I'm not sure about "dumb". Robots currently have the intelligence of insects (perhaps Cog could update me on this). If you'll look at their natural counterparts, they're quite complex.
You'll need energy and the money to burn to maintain computing systems active. You'll also need a good aircon system to keep these systems from burning themselves up.
My dog only accepts Visa BTW :P
What you said is exactly what I was worried about, lack of understand of today computer "intelligence", "many robots they will seem like they have consciousness but will be just dumb machines".
By dumb I mean just following orders, can not create goals of their own, therefore can not be creative,think which is the requirement for intelligence like biologic creatures as us have.Bugs can set themselves goals,they are not totally preprogrammed, today AI even Alpha Go can not choose what task to do, it will only do what the programmers made her do.
This is just from my limited knowledge, I am sure they are many more things the human brain has that AI does not that I don't even know about because I don't possess much knowledge about the human brain(most of it is about neural networks which are subset imitation of the brain)
About brain uploads, if possible it will be even far more into the feature than high intelligence robots, so far it can not possible be decided today, if you knew in the year 1000 that there will be pc in the feature, could you really make any meaningful rules?no way, your predictions will be super off, society after computer invention is very very different.
Now about the actual implantation of brain uploads, I don't think it is possible, you cant reproduce just by reading Brain waves, that mean you will have to destroy the brain in the process, with that come the part I think is impossible, you will need to know the electrons and other matter state in one instance, how can you do that?that is going to time freezing realm of sci fi, which will make feature society even more unpredictable.
Also their is the matter regarding if a robot which has human uploaded brain should be considered a robot at all, I think not we have a word for that hybrid,a cyborg,not human not robot, sure he has robot hardware but he has the data of a human, think of a computer game, it can run on many different kinds hardware and still be regarded as the same game, data is more important than hardware in term of categorizing.
Humans concepts are mostly irreverent to AI, feature AI is not skynet nor cute emotion feeling thing, it will be a new thing, not anything like human.