Prolific Member
My wife and I ran into a psychopath last week. He got bent out of shape because my dogs were running loose in state game lands. Not only is it legal for dogs to run loose in state game lands, his dogs were also running loose. Nevertheless, I was an asswipe, an asshole, etc., even though he was the one carrying an armload of illegally cut greenery (no cutting on state game lands although really, who cares if it's greenery for Christmas?) I told him three times he and his dogs were in no danger from my dogs (essentially three big seven-year-old puppies), he didn't care, accused me of turning them loose even though I saw him (untrue). He threatened to kill me four times, threatened to kill the dogs three times, and actually took a step toward me as if he were going to do something when I flatly and calmly told him he wasn't going to do any of those things. The look on his face when he finally figured out the probable reason why I was confidently capable of serenely indifferent sang froid in the face of his out-of-control histrionics was worth a million bucks.
I have never been more comfortable as an INTP. :-) Even my IN T/F P/J wife didn't get excited, just grabbed one dog and looked at the guy like he was something that slithers. I expected her to say "bad form, bad form" at any moment.
Just a footnote to remind you that even though you might be an INTP, "Never give a inch." Sometimes inscrutability works in your favor.
It's also a footnote to all those who think America is getting crazier. You may be right.
I have never been more comfortable as an INTP. :-) Even my IN T/F P/J wife didn't get excited, just grabbed one dog and looked at the guy like he was something that slithers. I expected her to say "bad form, bad form" at any moment.
Just a footnote to remind you that even though you might be an INTP, "Never give a inch." Sometimes inscrutability works in your favor.
It's also a footnote to all those who think America is getting crazier. You may be right.