Well, "sciences" mainly use math to describe stuff. Since those quantifications/quantizations are used and are helpful in chemistry, biology, and physics, anything that doesn't directly use those numbers aren't considered sciences...
All math is is some system people made to describe the universe.. I don't think the values were actually extracted from nature, but rather were conceived to fit observations for the sake of congruency. Plus, and I could be wrong about this nowadays because there might be some insider information I didn't have access to, our measurements are probably just measurements of our perception of the objects, and not measurements of the actual qualities, although for our intents and purposes that probably works just as well. For cutting corners there could be steps taken to ensure a measurement isn't entirely arbitrary.
So for things that don't happen to utilize concepts useful in chem, bio, or phys, that doesn't mean they aren't actual things. It probably just means a link of sorts hasn't been integrated yet. Although, of course, if you study something like Psychology you'll probably be thought of as less intelligent or adept by science majors.. But a lot of them actually don't even seem curious about things
Regardless, it's a part of the system and they have a standard set up. They want, so to speak, the best of the best, so that's what good grades and what not are for, that's their best way of determining if someone is devoted enough to make valuable contributions, or if someone won't get bored and desire other areas to spend time in. Also, I don't know what I'm talking about so don't base your life off anything I say, as if you would have learned anything by reading my rambling in the first place