A post of such content may have been made, but I'm new and I don't feel like browsing today :3.
Coming from an ex-communist country I do know how greatly irritating it is to have a teacher give you an F (that would be a 1 in Slovenia) because in your essay (it was in the 8th grade. I believe even than my intellect surpassed that of my teacher's and dare I call her a nibbling twat she was a communist whore :l) you happened to write GYPSY (cigan) instead of Roma (thats how the politiclly correct people call it nowdays, because the word Gypsy is in fact a racial slur and only cruel heartless racist bastards dare call them in such a discriminating way!).
The other day I presented an alternative theory to the proto-slavic one in my history class. I only believe that students should hear all sides (and not the communist bias created to degrade out national pride in order to create greater harmony in yugoslavia, which was in reality divided more than a plumber's butt cheeks). I don't need to remind all that I haven't even started high school -_- Perhaps it's true that elementary schools get the trash of teachers.
Anyway because this contradicted with the teacher's mental state I was flagged as a nationalist (which I am, but seriously... I'm the only one in there who knows what that means) swine and sent to principal (how original). There he lectured me about equality and not being a nuissance and other brainwashed things like that.
Right... And please don't get me started on the local news. Shouldn't they be objective?
Ohh... I dread the Frankfurters!
Erm... I hope I made sense because I'm not so skilled in writing yet and I apologise for any mistakes made.
So how come no one has "Offended the Franfurters" Yet....?