I disagree, but I don't really have the time or willpower to get into a disagreement about the fundamental nature of human socialization.
Again, I disagree, but it's not worth my time or effort to try and convince anyone otherwise.
So, I guess we can probably just agree to disagree on those points.
You can't challenge me on this. It's not a discussion.
Well, I mean
1. This
is a discussion. We are discussing, making this a discussion.
2. I
could challenge you. (i.e. if I said "you are wrong, I disagree and here is why" that would be challenging you.)
I'm not, I merely view the majority of pokemon go players as doing something I wouldn't necessarily do.
And then are also trying to dissuade others from participating ("Still I hardly recommend it, unless you want to give up control over your time to the most instinctual mechanisms in your brain.") not by saying "I wouldn't do this, myself" but rather by (essentially, how I personally have perceived your words) saying "this app turns you into a beast with no control over your own ability to regulate your time" which I believe is demonstrably false.
Just to clarify, I wasn't implying pokego isn't social, I was asking a question. The rest of your reply are angry false assertions on your part.
lol no, none of my reply was angry haha. I don't do "angry" very well.
You said:
"Is it really social though? Do you interact with those people besides the bare necessity of shouting which pokemon is nearby or exchanging a few words?"
And I repsonded:
"Isn't that what being social is? Exchanging words? Offering occasional help/input? Forming a connection, no matter how insignificant and tenuous, between yourself and another human being?"
My interpretation of this exchange was that you had attempted to refute that it was social and then listed things you believed to be not social to which I responded by saying (essentially) that I believe everything you've said about the game
is being social.
Edit: Oh, you sneaky boy, getting an edit in
Finally, I'd say games this mindlessly designed and activities that stem from such shouldn't ideally gain as much traction as they seem to get. I'd dismiss this game on the basis of its bad design only when deciding whether I should play it. By playing this game I'd be giving positive feedback to the developers that this is something they should supply in greater quantity.
Everyone is aware the game is mindless. Niantic actually made a nearly identical game to Pokemon Go a couple years back called Ingress. It's equally as dumb as pokemon go and basically the same minus one key element:
The social aspect.
Ingress was largely ignored because it was dumb. Pokemon is not ignored because, while it is dumb, it is very good at fostering a social element.