What is the difference between play and work, they're both effort intensive activities so what mays play fun and work miserable?
From my perspective they are the same thig. I certainly have trouble working and produce only average results / do minimal work with the least amount of effort if I don't enjoy it.
Example would be building an air heater out of beer cans that I mount on the rooftop. Its a fun project, it is productive and I have a lot of fun implementing it. Or when i get to have my way with the internal network at work and the boss isn't around to ruin my day. redesigning the layout of the vineyard, more roots, plant and sun relation, irrigation system. Its all productive fun for me.
On the other hand I'm under contractual agreement with the company I work for. They expect a certain level of competency and dedication, which i reach and minimally exceed, so i receive a bonus and a raise every year or at least have received for the past 8 years I have been working there. It is by no means fun, but it would be if i wouldn't have to deal with my STJ boss. She is a real buerochratic monster of a nutjob that drains the fun out of the entire experience and every december i want to quit this god forsaken job soleley because of her. Other people in my experience ruin the fun quite often, freedom is better than being another entitie's bitch.
Case in point this youtuber (who loves making his content) here being fucked by the very system he relies on to make a living. When it stops being fun the quality goes down the toilet. Limitations, berochracy, other people's garbage. Fuck all that imo. Be free, do your own thing, have fun, get payed.
How do we make work more like play or is the problem that our play is already too much like work, are we doing ourselves a disservice by playing games that trivialize success and accomplishment?
You can only do that if you are self employed. Being employed by someone else makes you their tool/bitch. Even if you love your work it won't compensate for the office politics and corporate abuse.
What games are those?