Words. Can you name any logical rules for any emotion of your choice?
I don't consciously know as much rules of emotions as well as I know rules of math but I'll try:
In math, there is the rule of equation:
2 + 2 = 4, therefore, 2 = 4 - 2.
In emotion, there is the rule of "situational effect" (???)
Though it varies by degree, the situation always affects the emotion of the person; therefore, when dealing with a person, always take prior consideration of the surroundings.
A rule for a single emotion? Sadness is the result of negative stimulus? And negative is defined by values?
I'm way too different to ever establish a connection on nearly any level.
And how did you reach this conclusion?
I will compare it to a truck and a car, but many will disagree with me. A car is good for driving day to day. A truck is good for moving things. A lot of people, use trucks for day to day driving and cars for moving things. They can serve the other function but not as good as the other. Emotion and Logic share as similair home. Some people try to solve things with emotion that can only be solved correctly with logic, and they try to solve with logic things that can only be solved with emotion.
Because of this, you can not look at emotion logically, and you can not look at logic emotionally, try it, if you have an answer to this sentence here, please tell me how.
I think the problem is the vague definition of logic/emotion. In order to explain my point, I will ask a question. If your goal was to comfort someone, would you judge by the logic of your actions, or the 'emotion' of your actions? As oppose to emotion, which is a standard of reasonable decision, logic is the measurement of the rationality of decision(which is relative to standard, which is relative to intention). In a situation of emotion, how much you understand emotion defines the logic of your actions.
As one in the same, since they both have the same purpose, but are both used in seperate times.
Do they really have the same purpose? Even if we say say logic = math, how much knowledge of math would help in a situation of emotion?
But I guess I'm arguing that utility defines purpose. Although, how else would it fit?
Haha, this made me think of a grown man crying in order to fix a flat tire. But, who knows? Maybe the problem wasn't the tire, maybe he needed a release from stress or something.
I know I try to logically explain emotions, but you can't. Emotion can only be reasoned with emotion and logic can only be reasoned with logic.
You use the word
reason in measuring emotion. Try typing 'define: reason' in google, maybe you will see logic? Or maybe that's not the point here...
...Emotion is interesting because it tends to serve as the foundation of many "why questions":
"Why are you working?"
"I need to feed my family."
"Why do you need to feed them?"
"I love them."
"Why do you love them?"
"Ahh...err...because we're family?"
"Because they're family, you love them? How does that make 'sense'(using empirical standard)?"
"That's just the way it is."
It seem that emotion is one of the machines that produces values, and that Values are inherently logical.