Wow this news report is hilarious, way to take an internet meme and blow the shit our of proportion. Just like abe said it going to turn into a massive witch hunt, a scare tactic for parents. Do they not use logic? Do they not know that pedobear is a widely known meme? Can they not put 2 and 2 together and realize that pedos are not going to brand themselves or make it extremely obvious that they are pedos? This is why i hate the news, just a bunch of dumb fucks over reacting to something they perceive as a threat without any real thought. No pedo 'hides' behind pedobear because that really wouldn't be hiding... I think i may get one of these costumes or stickers and go to where ever that new report was done and just wait. Wait till i get harassment by the police and sue their balls to the wall, i would love to see them put that on the news. Headline: Pedobear sues Police for Harassment over a Joke.