thought is based on senses. When senses tell me that "nothing" is really something, rather than nothing, perhaps nothing is really something. Or perhaps it is just my brain lying and fucking with me. Nothingness/vacuum can actually exist.
There are a few things to be said about this.
Firstly stuff gets PUSHED into vacuums, not pulled, it is because stuff of any density is constantly exerting some outward force, which is just being counteracted by other stuff in environments such as the atmosphere, so nothing cannot be felt, you are only feeling your own something in the case of exposure to a void.
Secondly, the universe is a mathematical structure, maybe in terms of philosophy and to some extent physics, the concept of nothing can 'exist' and be given relative attributes, but in terms of mathematics, and how it really is despite the contradictions of our minds and how things seem to be in the physical world, there really is nothing there. It is just nothing, it doesn't have a size or shape, the stuff which someone might perceive to be around it might suggest a shape, but any attribute at all is entirely irrelevant, as it is just what isn't currently.
If you look up at a star, there is nothing between you and it, but it take ages to get there! Fuck. I really don't know how to explain that, apart from maybe that there is some kind of other nature to physics we don't know of where distance is not actually distance but just kinda, I don't know some-kind of co-ef of size! (that's why it appears smaller further away!) lol!
Actually I suppose stuff gets farther away because it gains force and velocity in a certain 'direction' (why are there multiple planes?), so I guess thinking of it as 'distance' is stupid as there can only theoreticaly be anything there between to give it a 'distance', so it is as if everything in the universe is all tightly bound together, but you need certain levels of force and energy to get to certain other things, or for them to appear and feel closer I suppose. So velocity increases the...magnitude? of relative objects. Changing the co-ef of its size!
But I suppose the problem with all of that is perceiving the universe physically, it's not, it's mathematical. We just have thought and senses to perceive it in a very limited and confusing way, so we have to do science to figure it all out.