Little help for humanity (you, everyone you know, everyone they know, etc). You don't just sit down and create novel ideas. Imagine the present; you looking at the screen right now, as a keyhole. Now imagine the things you have learned and/or are learning as threads being pushed through that keyhole, upwards, a force pushing them out of short term memory into short termly internalized memory. There is depontentiation (or something) pushing them down out of the keyhole slowly.
Now incorporate the present- whatever it is that is on your mind-- all that is on your mind. That is coming from a different direction, you could say it's the light shining on the keyhole to show anything, but it might be easier to imagine it as a single thread coming from the opposite direction along the x axis, pushing up through the y axis continually like the other, and the keyhole intersection being the present.
"Ideasthesia is the mark of a great artist" comes to mind, totally randomly. Just keep in mind that there will always be haters, and that in want or in gain, they are inconsequential in the long run.