i really need help its like am a robot not feeling anything not even scared of failure.
Sounds like a
floating ground problem.
In classical mechanics you need to pick an
inertial frame which acts as a datum.
In mathematics perfect Zen zero is used as a datum, a reference, a ground off which all values on a number line are leveraged.
In electronics and electrical engineering one needs ground/earth to complete a circuit ... to ALLOW (e)motivated flow. (aside: yes. `motor', motion, and (e)motion are all variations of the same suchness.)
The human individual IS a teleological, goal-directed organism; one can get it to seek nothing as per nihilism and it will start spiralling down the toilet bowl steering towards The Great No-Thing.
If one doesn't GROUND one's goals said pro forma goals are experienced-as -- by way of qualia -- contrived, airy fairy, artificial ... not MY goals.
So ... by way of covering the spectrum associated with test results:
what if you don't take the test?
What if you are given a failing grade?
What-if ... D, C, B, A, A+?
What if the decidedly academic and contrived bullshit of grades, class ranking, and how they contribute to GPA were displaced for motivational purposes and YOU were to -- as you study -- imagine Real World applications of what you study as you study?
There is a name for people who do this NATURALLY; they are called E N G I N E E R S and/or `applied' physicists.
If physics and it's hand maiden `mathematics' are just ungrounded abstractions for YOUR cognito-emotive Processes to attempt to wrap said `mind' around .... well ... you've already reported the symptoms.
Real `scientists' -- those who apply empiricism towards crafting personally-conducted experiments -- APPLY `physics' and `mathematics' towards experiment design, experiment execution, and reporting and speculating on the practical results of the findings of their experiments.
Engineers also APPLY `physics' and `mathematics' towards practical ends.
If you find yourself lacking in motivation you might have a floating ground ... you might operationally-BE lacking something or other which finds you experiencing Skin in The Game.
What floats your boat?
What's your Bliss?
What MOTIVATES your Inner Child to Feel-Think-Do ... complete the WHOLE circuit?
This is your personal `ground' from which your motivational upwellings emerge into the external world.
Without it you're an
ungrounded symbol, a cybernetic process hand-cuffed, shackled, and straight-jacketed ... proceeding without MEANING, significance, grounding ... a worthy, meaningful, self-motivating purpose.