Soul Shade
Anxiety is supposed to be a symptom of Nihilism but if nothing has meaning what are you anxious about?
Nihilism is based on contractions in itself.
Anxiety is supposed to be a symptom of Nihilism but if nothing has meaning what are you anxious about?
Anxiety is supposed to be a symptom of Nihilism but if nothing has meaning what are you anxious about?
Nihilism is the confrontation of contradictions without resolving the contradictions by use of synthesis. If the parts don't fit together, then how are we supposed to build the whole?
What are the largest and most common parts and why dont they fit?
Nihilism is the confrontation of contradictions without resolving the contradictions by use of synthesis. If the parts don't fit together, then how are we supposed to build the whole?
And, Cherry Cola, I am not really a defender of amoralism, as I think that morality is a key human tool for resolving social conflict, but I recognize that morality does not exist without intelligence, and I would bet that any serious cosmologist would not be able to find intelligence without life, thereby showing that morality is dependent upon an intelligence that does not eternally and universally exist. You can be moral without God, but only when other intelligent beings contemplate it.
I have had grandiosity, for example. I also have a lot of problems that contradict that grandiosity. Thus the way I am currently constructed has been in frustrating conflict. What has animated me and given me bliss cannot be resurrected.
Another thing is liberalism. Political correctness, which is a cultural way of acknowledging equality, comes into conflict with the freedom of thought all the time. We pretend that political correctness does not limit the amount of discourse in our society, but that is wrong. It limits our ability to see the truth, which bigots were supposedly distorting and trampling upon in a tyrannical manner. Thus we see the principles of the Enlightenment come into contradiction.
If nothing means anything, then all your goals, dreams, and desires, mean nothing, and can bring you no benefit. The only thing left is pain and suffering, to come, and come, and come, until you can take no more, and keep coming even more, every single day. Why wouldn't that make anyone anxious?Anxiety is supposed to be a symptom of Nihilism but if nothing has meaning what are you anxious about?
Then why cannot you discard these pieces? Grandiosity has no validity due to it's contradiction and no use in a calm and stable psyche.
Panpsychism is nonsense because there is no way in hell my bone matter is conscious the way my frontal lobe is.
Have you experienced a real grandiosity hangover? It's like not knowing what is good or pleasurable anymore.
Have you experienced a real grandiosity hangover? It's like not knowing what is good or pleasurable anymore.
Humans are not primarily rational creatures, though it can become one.
A lot of our actions are based on unconscious will, and being unconscious of it, the conscious mind often creates a story to maintain a coherent picture of the self. Because of these unconscious wills to maintain or gain a social position to gain favorable partners to breed, controls the actions of humans, but humans being evolved a bit too much for their own good,
can question too much, to find most of the social structures are baseless and can fall into the existentialism. 'Intrinsic' value, what does it even mean. How can anything have any value by itself unless a conscious observer give it?
It is very easy to derive the conclusion that there is no objective purpose. Facing this stuff, can be troublesome to some humans as these type of thoughts can prevent one from desiring to maintain social position or do things to find an appropriate mate to breed.
Most probably that is why, this types of thoughts produce anxiety to some and may be the vice versa is true.
Now, it is true then whatever you do, ultimately it does not matter but there are still consequences, there are still subjective meanings to pursue, to build up, there is still passion,
will to power and all other things. Contrary to what some people are saying here, though I am not an expert, i have not found anything claiming that nihilism also negates the subjective experience of purpose and the possibility of subjective meaning, though it may say that all meanings are meaningless and all, but still nothing can deny, the subjective meaning and all.
Ultimately nihilism is not some ultimate philosophy, it is just a base upon which a new story is to be built up, a true philosopher must find the way to true happiness, must understand the oneness, and see the divinity and all that.
To find a way to live, a way to be happy, and be harmonious and be peaceful, nihilism is of no work, one have to find a different philosophy and nihilism does not deny it.
If there is no meaning to be happy, there is neither any meaning to be sad,
but we cannot do nothing, so it is better to do what makes us happy, or even better to find it within.
Sorry, I went, a bit off-topic, perhaps.
Reading the upper half of your post, the words depression and anxiety kept on poping up in my head
It is because when you read it you read it from your own mental state which is structured by natural selection and natural selection don't like these views,
(Please don't assume that I am trying to say that natural selection is some designer, I am just merely personifying it for the sake of explanation) associate my views from your own biases and own mental states, and your own subjective lens and preconceived notion. I don't associate feelings to views, and belief systems.
I only care for the truth, if it is, then it is.
I was anxious once upon a time, and depressed too, but I had conquered all of it,
through self training. You don't have to associate or assume my mental states associated with what I had written, state a flaw in the reasoning if you see them.
If one says that one is an orphan and his parents were killed in front of the one,
and that is what really happened, then that is the truth, it does not necessarily means that the one is depressed over it at that moment.
And also the second half mostly consists of the positive part that tries to describe the way to refute the depression one might feel.
Nihilism is not the final level, I see it more like clearing up the junks,
rub off the canvas, to pave the way for one to start paint his\her own
No need to apologize, I knew you were just expressing your immediate thoughts that appeared from reading my post. It is not really a bad habit,
how can you do it otherwise anyway?
The only way to perfectly understand other's view point is to become them,
as long as that is not possible, you are only left to compare it to your own subjective perspectives and preconceived notion.
After I realized I fooled myself the first half of my life that christianity was real I had nothing substantial to hold onto. Most values and ideas where adopted through the religious system.
I hit fthe delete all button and rebuilt from scratch.
Hmm would any intp make this simple mistake?
Transcendence is too new. Until relational or historical data of her or his personality exists we are subject to large assumptions.
It may be strange to say this in an MBTI forum, but I lack knowledge on MBTI, so I don't really understand your point. I am more interested in philosophical ponderings,Hmm would any intp make this simple mistake?
Judging by his post count it can be a new account made by any one of us, in order to succeed in some kind of trickery! O.o
You arguing with yourself... the perfect cover... until someone checks your ip address....hmmmm...yep... figures.
Human mind is constantly trying to resolve contradictions. A human brain is there to resolve these contradictions. Contrasts and contraditctions are the main source of the meaning. The fact that our mind has made a coherent universe for it self does not mean that universe in its self has meaning. Its rather a delusion. Look at how ugly and wrinkled and twisted the mind must be to maintain that delusion. We have to lie to our selfs on daily basis just to keep a piece of reality. And yet who can define reality? We do not even have a definition of reality. Take a schizophrenic for example. They have distorted reality. The only people that can however say so are the people around. The schizophrenic does not know that his reality is distorted. Or take a human with the tiniest flaw in perception and compare him to the "normal man" will not his perception deviate from the norm?
Another thing is liberalism. Political correctness, which is a cultural way of acknowledging equality, comes into conflict with the freedom of thought all the time. We pretend that political correctness does not limit the amount of discourse in our society, but that is wrong. It limits our ability to see the truth, which bigots were supposedly distorting and trampling upon in a tyrannical manner. Thus we see the principles of the Enlightenment come into contradiction.
Anxiety is supposed to be a symptom of Nihilism but if nothing has meaning what are you anxious about?
Well, to be frank I developed anxiety as a side effect of a prolonged (chronic) illness (of one of my children). In a way it was about 'nothing'. Nothing could be done, and we could do nothing - go nowhere, commit to nothing, find no floor or stable ground, get no sleep, etc.
It was also based in fear - of death, of injury, of loosing the life you live, and having no control.
It was invisible, but very real. At it's worst I couldn't even stand the idea of walking to the mailbox. And I'm and E.
Anxiety is supposed to be a symptom of Nihilism but if nothing has meaning what are you anxious about?