I dislike the word archetype in this context, by implication it doesn't leave enough room for variation and is far too limiting. It is correct only in that patterns of
preferred thought and behaviour are similar, but as Da Blob said, no one is limited to being a stereotype/archetype. You are giving MBTI too much weight, remember it is just a guideline.
Categorization can be useful for understanding, but not for defining...
This sums MBTI up nicely, well said.
Being an INTP (or any type) is not a classification that defines who and what a person is, and who and what they are not. All MBTI is, is
preference for orientation and function. This means naturally we have strengths, and naturally we have weaknesses. It does not mean these are characteristics that we cannot change, or have no control over. All it means is now we better understand our strengths and weaknesses and can work on/improve them if we so desire.
So I’m looking around and it seems that I can expect to be misunderstood by a large part of the population
Yes, because we are a small minority. But it could also be argued this is true for every type. This doesn't make you an outcast or particularly different or disliked. I don't really see how this should be a problem, it should not limit you or your achievements in any way.
I will struggle to find meaningful friendships and relationships
Also true, but once again, this could be argued for every type, depending on the definition of meaningful. It may be hard to find meaningful friendships or relationships, but it is by no means impossible. I wouldn't see this as a flaw or weakness, rather just a reflection of our uniqueness.
and not only that but I inherently lack any motivation to change my circumstances (story of my life up to this point, guess I should get used to it???).
No, no, no. You do not inherently lack any motivation to change your circumstances. To say that makes it impossible to change. We have a
preference for not changing, or rather a
preference for everything but what we should/need to be doing to change. We have a
preference for play over work. Yes, this makes us more likely to get stuck in a rut. Yes, this makes it harder for us to get out. But it is not a characteristic that we have no control over, simply a tendency which we can alter.
either way I'd like to believe that I could force myself to become more extravertaed and more Feeling (I'm strong both I & T), because If I'm being honest with myself, I think those a very benefitial qualities to have in terms of career and relationship development. But can you completely change, say to an ENTP (I think that is what I would prefer being)? .... I'd just like to be able to form stronger relationships because I think thats a large part of life.
Your introverted-ness and Ti (thinking) is not limiting you from any of this. As I explained above, these are simply
preferences. Every single person can and does use both sides of each dichotomy. The MBTI definition of introvert is not shy or antisocial or socially awkward or in any way socially retarded or lacking, nor is the MBTI definition of Extravert socially talented and accepted and better able to connect with people. What introversion means is simply focus on the internal world and energy generation from this, and extraversion is focus on the external world and energy generation from this.
Now, this does mean in a social context extraverts are more likely to be comfortable, therefore they do have an automatic advantage over introverts. But social skills are exactly that, skills, the ability to do something well. And where does this come from..? It comes from knowledge, practice
, it can be learnt (and this is what NT's are good at, because of our aptitude for knowledge and our ability to analyze).
You cannot force yourself to become more extraverted or more feeling, but you can understand the principles behind those that you value, and become better at using them. You cannot change your type but you can develop your non preferred sides. And the more you use them, the more familiar and comfortable you will become in those situations. There is nothing about introversion or Ti that precludes you from being socially able or from forming stronger relationships. This can all be learnt.