Ni knows where and when events will happen in space Se.
Ni anticipates prior to an event
Si feels in the gut many things that will happen that are possible Ne.
Si tells you to pay attention
Fi is a strong emotion Fe is the opposite, nothing affects you, and nothing is good or bad.
Ti is a detached monolog reasoning in the head.
Te is a visual projection, that finds rules in the environment.
INTJ will anticipate the rules of the environment and confirm or deny them by building up a model of what they see. events are good or bad.
ENTJ will use the rules they know to execute on what they expect as a goal. bad events are anticipated and avoided with the rules.
ISTJ will feel a gut notion that something is off and associate this with what rules they know as good or bad rules.
ESTJ looks for rules that feel funny and discover new good-bad associations.
INTP will monolog a long about all conclusions they can make from one association at a time and the organ is brought up.
ENTP will associate conclusions with other associations. random gut fluttering.
ISTP will monolog about what it sees and what they need to do next.
ESTP will do things and then monolog about what they did in a detached way.
INFP will feel good or bad about what they associate, thinking for a long time about a good or bad thing in the gut.
ENFP will feel good or bad about as many things as possible at a time in the gut randomly.
INFJ will spend all their time anticipating all events.
ENFJ will contemplate on what can be concluded about an event about to happen.
ISFP will become attached to what they see as good or bad. ruminating.
ESFP will move towards or away from what they feel they see. total involvement.
ISFJ feels the gut sensation of detachment/disassociation of all things.
ESFJ makes conclusions about what this detachment is associated with.