based on physiognomy i am convinced that many estj are
a) good composers of classic or film music
b) not so good techno djs. (i think the male guy of die antwoord is estj - the female one seems SiTe ISTp)
i think these are the most auditory types (which also has to do with T dominance), and classic music is almost about hallucinating. but subjectivity (Si) is about hallucinating something that has style.
so T dominance and Si is perfect for very technical music.
i can see many ESFJ females doing singing and or one perhaps classical instrument. there is still this tecnical perfectionistic air about it.
and esfj are highly poetic.
i think she is esfj - not an example of poetic, but of language gift and musicality
and a youtube person who plays violin ... can't find her channel
i believe that pogo on youtube may be Si dominant.
he is half a musician and half a visual artist.
he may not be as auditory as estj.
he is probably a visual learning type.
i would rather expect something weird (Si) but highly creative (Ne) from Si doms, like a sort of punk, mix in some horror, fun, comedy. anything that's appealing to subjectivity. mixing up genres with a lot of style. subjective irrational synthesizing!!!