What Americans think about other countries:
These are impressions I've gathered from discussions with other Americans in the USA. Not necessarily a reflection of my own thoughts.
(1) There's only one British Accent
(2) Germans aren't funny
(3) The French hate us because we go to their country and don't speak French
(4) Everyone wants to feed you in Italy
(5) Everyone in Europe speaks English
(6) Australians are all tan, buff, and laid-back
(7) The English (England) are fussy, sticklers for rules, and they all drink tea
(8) Everyone in Spain speaks the same Spanish they speak in Mexico
(9) The Irish are drunk all the time and have horrible tempers
(10) Scandanavians are tall, blonde, and pretty. (That's literally all people seem to have to say about you guys, sorry!)
What surprised me the most about my time in Europe (Germany, Spain):
I don't remember where I went in Germany (2 weeks). In Spain, I went to Barcelona (4ish months I think).
(1) They listened to a lot of American music...and it was very outdated!
(2) People don't smile at strangers
(3) In Germany, adults had meetups where they would recreationally play things like volleyball, without being part of "teams" and having to "compete"
(4) In Germany, kids took the train to get to school
(5) In Germany, all of the rules of the house were very precise, and you got the feeling that they were obeyed without question
(6) In Spain, you don't drink coffee for breakfast, but espresso. It comes in tiny, tiny little espresso cups that make you skeptical. Then you take far too big of a sip and it tastes like coffee acid burning crackhead-level energy into your soul through the vector of your tongue. Drink tiny Spanish coffee with great caution.
(7) In Barcelona, everyone spoke Catalan, and they're proud of the language. They can understand Castiliano but they don't want to speak it.
(8) People were a lot colder than I expected. Everyone was pretty aloof to an almost "unfriendly" degree by American standards. People definitely looked down on Americans there. I had one American roommate, and he was slightly more accepted, but I had the feeling that American girls, in particular, were not very well respected oversees. (Later I think I learned that it was because there's an opinion in Europe that we're 'easy')
(USA) American Stereotypes that are true:
Hopefully this won't upset my fellow Americans!
(1) They are rude
(2) They are emotional
(3) They overshare - information about love lives, their personal health, what they're doing that weekend, etc.
(4) They are naive
(5) They are idealistic
(6) They know next to NOTHING about other countries
(7) They tend to think that our country is superior to every other country
(8) They are weak, childish, and/or lazy (compared to other nations, this is actually pretty accurate)
(9) They eat a lot of fast-food
(10) They have high rates of obesity
(11) They have a sense of entitlement
(12) USA American women have large chests
(13) USA American men are usually more well-muscled than in other countries, and work out in gyms
(14) They are incredibly open and accepting of other cultures and ethnicities
(15) They are very creative and free-spirited
(16) USA American women are stubborn, independent, and obstinate
There's also a stereotype I feel that I might as well clear up about USA American women while I'm on a role....That is the stereotype that we're "easy". Overseas, there seems to be a perspective that American women will sleep with any guy at the drop of a hat.
Here's the reality, from what I have seen:
Yes, when the average woman makes up her mind about a guy in this country, she'll often sleep with him fairly quickly, but....Women in the USA are extremely choosey compared to the apparent perception of them.
From conversations I've had with women and men friends, I've found that European men have an expectation that when they come to the USA, they will quickly, easily find a woman, and they often fail to do so.
I have my own philosophies on that if anyone cares to hear them.
(USA) American Stereotypes that are not true:
(1) USA Americans all run around wearing or waving American flags...This only happens in the South and the Midwest so far as I've seen, and even in the Midwest...it's weird. To be honest, in most of the bigger cities and populated places in the south, you don't see this behavior. In this country, we tend to call flag-happy people "Rednecks". The exception, of course, is when elections are drawing near.
(2) USA Americans are proud of their government. In this day and age with Trump in office, there's a lot of division on that. However, generally speaking, most USA Americans are appalled by our government, and we don't trust it. Even people who are particularly patriotic don't trust the government here.
(3) USA Americans are gun nuts. No, I would say that most people in the US probably don't own a gun.
(4) USA Americans are bigots that hate other countries. Absolutely not. Most Americans I know seem to love other countries.
About USA American Stereotypes:
We usually get "branded" by a very small subset of the USA - the south. Most foreigners think that the stereotypes of Southern Americans (Cowboys, gun-fans, rednecks, and people who speak with a thick, slow accent), reflect America as a whole. These Americans reflect a very, very small portion of America, and they're old-fashion ways have been decreasing for quite some time now.
In My Country's Defense:
I do love my country! Unfortunately, a lot of the bad stereotypes people say about us are absolutely true! Sometimes, our politics horrifies me. I don't participate politically because I think our government, on the whole, is corrupt, violent, domineering, manipulative, and subsists by feeding the public a pack of lies and capitalizing on the poor and the weak in this country.
However, you can really be yourself in the USA - a lot mores than in other countries, I find. People will be friendly to you, smile at you, and you're sure to find a community of others just like you. It's a great place to be an artist or a musician! You can really make your dreams come true. You can be born poor here, and become wealthy. You can really voice your opinions and express yourself. I love how creative we are. I love that we're constantly inventing new things. I love how we're really exploring marketing, because even though it has its evil downsides, we've tapped into almost a whole new type of science and we've gathered a massive amount of data to describe the human species with. I love our scientific discoveries.
The people in the USA...I think they tend to be good people, and I think they're getting better, too. Our new generation in this country, Generation Z, is looking very hopeful!
What I would like to know about other countries:
(1) What do you typically eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
(2) What is your biggest holiday, and how do you celebrate it?
(3) What are the most common spices in your kitchen cupboard?
(4) Do people in your country think that "being an artist" is a respectable job? Why, or why not?
(5) Does your country listen to American music or watch American shows?
(6) What stereotypes does your country have about America?