Yes I am sorry if I phrased myself improperly. Which I did I think. What I wanted to say was that looking at different posts saying 'fe' , 'ni' , didn't move us forward in any way. If you said for instance Ti-Fe or inferior Fe, then it would be more useful.
You are right, the two theories are INFJ and INTP, and that means INFJ functions and INTP functions with no extra super developed functions in between.
As I have said throughout the whole thread, I don't believe in the extra developed function that Oblivious Genius believes/believed to have. I don't deny that he argues that he is using Ni, but I try to deny that he is actually using Ni.
If he was a Ni user, and now I am just stating my gut feeling, I would expect him to do two things: First of all, he wouldn't spend so much time expressing himself as clearly as possible, as that is 'unecessary' for Ni dominat, but extremely important for a Ti dominant. Ti dominant requires information to be precise and clear for one to really work with it. Secondly I would expect him to have ended the thread earlier (in fact I am surprised that he has not given up on this despite type), but he has not, and that is actually interesting. The manner of which he approaches a subject will also be revealing.
The way I regard Oblivious Genius posting style and thinking: At first he approaches this subject with an idea that he is using Ni. At the same time he has no doubt that he is an INTP. So the thread has two goals: 1st being to see if anyone has a reasonable explanation for this phenomena, and 2nd, to recieve some peer validation. The Peer validation/ low self confidence is not unimportant when it comes to naming him INTP. I will get back to this shortly.
Oblivious Genius approaches the 'explain this phenomena' , where he at first just seeks an explanation, but then later on in this thread begins to be more humble, and more second guessing. He wishes Ni to be active and he will not readily abandon this idea. So he begins to consider INFJ (which was well spotted by other people) , as well as upbringing and the fact that he is black. In other word, he explores the possibilities with a few premises in mind and that is imo, a very clear Ti-Ne way of thinking. There is nothing wrong with his internal logic, and that should be noted. There is something wrong with his premise, and that is he not ready to give up the Ni idea might be a sign of the subjective logic that INTPs can have until they become more aware of this (personal speculation/observation).
Good. Now a way of regarding his thinking/posting style is presented.. Now let's move towards the self aggrandizement/ low self confidence of Oblivious genius, and what they may tell us about his functions. I will list some of the signs so that you will know what I am talkign about: The forum name, his signature quotes, his peer validation seeking in the beginning (since he at that time was not very ready to accept other views imo, so the post imo, had an underlying purpose), and the 'I don't feel as logical as the rest of you'.
Ok, let's work with this. Every single thing of the ones listed above are related to 'intelligence' and his ability to think. So there can be no doubt there, this is very important to him. However, he is not sure of himself, even though he does consider himself intelligent, and that is due to the second guess loops that Ti makes.. Not to mention that ones own ability to think is very important for any INTP I have seen, and so they care a lot about this.
Combine this with an inferior Fe, where you seek to know what other people think about you, and care about peer validation. You need this extra information. It results in him being unsure, and so he will try and state his intelligence through user name, signature, and also why he feels the need to say that he does not feel as 'logical' as some other people on this forum.
These irational quirks are very usual among INTPs. You would not find this kind thinking among Te dominant/auxulary thinkers. So if you ask me, we have here two clear points in favour for him being an INTP. I have not seen INFJ behave like he does.
These are my reasons to say that Oblivious Genius = INTP.
His 'Ni' is caused by an understandable lack of understanding of the nature of Ni. The things he points towards as being Ni, are what every other in this thread it seems, and I agree, claim to be signs of Ne, Si , Ti and so forth.
So bottom line: He is an INTP