Not looking for an answer but an interesting discussion. I know we have some gay, bi or cross dressing/trans gender folks here.
So my son is growing up and we signed him up for dance lessons. One of those things out of the 50's ... about 150 young people all dressed up taking dance lessons. As much introducing them to the opposite sex as to learning how to dance. The girls all wear dresses and white gloves with the boys in suits. They get a random partner, learn a few steps, then move on to the next partner. The hormones must be running pretty hot, just sitting on the edge us older parents can feel it.
At any rate the other time we saw a young adult, a girl maybe 14 or 15, who was dressed in a suit. Looked like a little stout banker and had her hair in a pony tail. Obviously she's gay, bi or otherwise a trans gender. We were impressed that she seemed so comfortable with it at that age. She played the male role and went around dancing with female partners.
Now this is formal dance - the male has one part and the female another. The male leads, has his hand on her upper side, and she rests her hand on his upper arm. How the dance moves go depends too, he spins her, and the way they end up is set also. The instructor explained it that it's the male's job to make the female feel comfortable. All very gallant.
At any rate, my wife thought it was pretty awesome this young woman could take the other side. I thought it was great she was so comfortable and aware of the situation, however I didn't think it was appropriate to do so in that class. My reasoning was that it was her forcing her sexuality onto the other young girls. Did they want to dance with her? Any way you look at it she was a minority, how far should the majority adapt and accept her predilections?
We thought that the least she should do is ask first, but even then there isn't much time to make a decision. The partners would just have a few moments to make a snap decision, I'd like some time to sort out my thoughts on the issue.
Of course it has a larger context. I think a lot about "Type Rights" - for example with INTP's. My family is all Sensor, how much should I demand they adapt to my predilections? In point of fact I demand acceptance, would appreciate understanding, but don't ask for them to embrace my preferences. I don't ask them to avoid small talk, go to Shakespeare plays and the like.
Is this young woman asking others to (literally) embrace her sexuality?
Discussion welcome ...
I've been thinking a very great deal about type rights too, these days. I'm in a society which constantly forces me to enter into an unnatural sleep cycle (I'm a hard-core night owl, and a lot of other INTPs are too, from what I understand, but this is definitely an overall 9-5 kind of world). It's very challenging to find times and places to introvert while also earning enough resources to survive. I've always found it very hard to strictly adhere to a time schedule. And very few jobs are able to identify, use, and pay me for the things I actually do well.
I usually like to read every single reply before typing my own response, but I didn't have time this morning before I must do my homework, etc., so I apologize if my response is repeating others' ideas.
I think society is obliged to make reasonable accommodations for any deeply ingrained differences between people that affect the quality of their lives and their ability to find a job, find relationships, etc., especially once those differences are identified and confirmed. I'm not sure that MBTI type will ever fit into this, but it could be a really good thing for us all if empirical data about it started compounding, and there began to be a greater understanding for how everyone can get plugged into society in the most useful and satisfying manner. Some mental disabilities are starting to pick up awareness and are starting to fight back against all the negative stereotypes surrounding them (depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, etc.) and I'm curious to see how identifying personality or any other kinds of internal differences between people (in a positive manner) will contribute to future world peace.
I think that it's very important to society's growth to accommodate differences like this young lady's, because we are now and will always be in the process of evolving, and we don't know what unique gifts a certain "kind" of person could offer us one day. I think it's similar to why we need to preserve biodiversity. One never knows when a species will step in with a key bit of information to save the day.
I'm a heterosexual female and I took a dance class in which a lesbian dressed in a suit and danced the male roles. The situation sounds very similar to the given example. I did dance with her, I did feel as though I was obligated to dance with her, and that we were all obliged to dance with her, without forcing any personal, emotional baggage about homosexuality onto her (in reality, I have absolutely zero problems with a person having homosexual feelings). As I think someone else stated, a boy dancing me would have been equally sexually... provocative- maybe even more so since I actually
do have heterosexual feelings from time to time.
I once took it upon myself to talk to an obviously very "weird" person who was struggling to fit into some of the other classes I was taking. The teacher was actively insulting him during studio time, and yes, this person was clearly not someone who "got" certain aspects of what we were trying to do, but it wasn't until about two years later that I really understood exactly what he
was good at, and just how excellent he was, and how much that department would have benefited by having some understanding of how he was different from us.
What worries me the most about ignoring someone who is very different who has very different needs, is the pain and suffering it inflicts on that person, which then spills over onto people who have nothing directly connected to the situation. (Look at the high rates of LGBT suicides, the suffering Oscar Wilde endured and inflicted because he was forced to hide his homosexuality. Look at all the school shootings and murder/suicides happening these days. Autism and schizophrenia are supposed to be caused by extra growth in the brain- not less. What if we as a species are struggling to be able to ingest more information- especially now that we're in the digital age?)
I think we hit a wall when it comes to sociopathy, pedophilia and other criminal activities, but even so, if there was a way to allow these people to channel abnormal impulses like that elsewhere where it wouldn't interfere with our goals/beliefs, etc., wouldn't we all be so much happier? I'm sure there are many things we can learn from every different type of brain. Look at all the good that "psychopath" Sam Vaknin is performing. Society as a whole definitely benefits from all kinds of diversity. It would be far less rich, fulfilling and productive without it.