My first wife and I went to see "Last House on the Left", the original version, back in the 1970s. We were both extremely upset. I haven't bothered with the new version (2009), but I seriously recommend against seeing the original.
It was Wes Craven's first movie as director, and it was apparently derived from an Ingmar Bergen movie.
I saw that a few months back -- although I couldn't tell you "which" version I saw as apparently there were zillions of different cuts of the film that got released and passed around due to the notoriety of the film and various theaters and studios cutting scenes out. I'm thinking it wasn't the most explicit cut because while I'm aware of the major plot points with the two girls, not everything was shown on the screen.
I didn't really find much that was "artful" about it, it mostly just seemed exploitative and emotionally brutal (and outside of those scenes a rather boring film). There's the 10-15 last minutes of the film that is a bit unexpected, but otherwise it might be one of those films that at best, if one is curious, just read the wiki synopsis and move on.
The remake is supposed to be even less than the original.
I also saw the original "The Hills Have Eyes" (also by Craven) a month or two ago, and wasn't impressed either. Most of it was boring schlock and then of course there were a few scenes that just seemed like pointless brutality, which did not gel with the stupid silliness of much of the rest of the movie. Not really ever interested in watching more movies like that.
Craven's made some decent movies, but these?
I saw "Event Horizon" in a mostly empty theater with a fever (mild delirium was key I think) and had to leave before the end and stayed (very) terrified all the way home and for almost 2 years following until I sat alone in the basement and watched it back to back five times one Saturday and got over it. Now it's therapeutic.
I watched it once, and ended up being disappointed/poo-poo'ing the thing. I do have it on Bluray and am planning to give it another chance since it's been a few years, but I had trouble taking it seriously, and typically if a movie is going to scare or disturb me emotionally, I have to be invested to some degree. (Of course, I can just be grossed-out regardless, but that's not a worthwhile experience.)
"In the Mouth of Madness" (Carpenter, with Sam Neill starring again) isn't a GREAT movie, but it definitely gets down some of the surreal lovecraftian aspects -- I remember enjoying it more than Event Horizon.
So does anyone have a suggestion for a truly scary movie? A proper get into your head, reluctant to go downstairs afterwards one, not just a gore fest.
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Well, most of the ones I listed are not "gore fests," which I find boring too.
Are you more interested in jump scare movies of The Conjuring variety, then?