If you feel judged by your therapist I doubt it will work, might be better to explore working with other therapists.
1. I have been seeing her for a year, we barely started talking about emotions three weeks ago. Mostly we talk in the men's group.
2. She is ESTJ and worked as an investigative attorney in law enforcement.
3. She would be a better social worker/manager than a therapist (can get things done)
4. I cannot afford a better therapist and the program I am in won't allow it.
Things are ok for now. What bothers me is that being a therapist was not what she was trained for and does not fit her personality. I can talk to her about other things I would with a social worker about but the deep stuff I must keep to myself.
I think the best way to approach this is to ask one self what the feeling is.
Numbness apparently can be considered feeling too.
Unfortunately feelings happen the way they happen whatever that means.
I saw the 2023 movie "Stray's" in one group I attended.
At the end of the movie the kid called the dog a good boy and I almost cried.
Because he was not loved before and now he was.
But I was in the group so I only felt like choking a little as I held back.
Movies make me feel negative emotions, this was a comedy so it was not that bad.
It makes me uncomfortable to be in public and embarrassed to show emotions.
If I do have strong emotions I go into shutdown mode, that is when I can conserve energy that would otherwise go into the negative emotion.
I can shut down pretty fast if need be.
Not doing anything allows me to take control back.
The framework I made for myself is (Stop Pause Listen)
A person I know has told me they have told others: "When he becomes silent, things get scary".
Things can go different ways but when I become quiet, I first will say things in a way that will make known what I really think. I will try to leave. And if you stop me from leaving things get really bad for the other person. By saying what I really think I mean that I will use all cognitive resources in that moment to protect/defend my character. Anyone lying about me in real life or anyone threatening me in real life did not end well for that person when they refused to let me leave.
One time in 2016 I almost left a therapy session because I said the wrong word in describing myself. The therapist started to attack my character so I started attacking hers. All I said was that I was "word x" she said but you are not "y", I said but I am such and such, she said x cannot be such and such, I said but I am such and such, she said y is such and such you are "z", I said forget xyz I am such and such. --- something something something --- you are not listening to me, I am not y or z you insisting I am making you a bad therapist I specifically said such and such is what I am ---offended therapist says she cannot be wrong---me and her go on a random tangent on what a therapist actually is and why she is not one and all the times she did not listen before---eventually she understands I am such and such because I redirected the session by to definition x as such and such not y or z
This is the problem with any therapist. Anyone who does not use words correctly is by definition wrong to the therapist. But people who cannot express themselves will be at a disadvantage. In 2016 I was the one who was correct. I used the word correctly and she had to be brought back again and again to define x as not what I am because I said I was such and such nothing else. Piss on all definitions concerning word x, I am such and such you cannot fool me with your fucking word games. Always bring the topic back to the point and they will lose. She was 63 at the time but I am smarter than all her years of being a therapist because I stayed on topic. The average person would have been completely character assassinated because she would misdirect everything against them. She would turn it on you and you would fall into her trap of not remembering the original reason you started to fight. I remembered all the conversation from beginning to end. That means I remembered why the fight started and she had to backtrack. And she could not get me to say anything that was not completely true of the session. That is another trick they have with word games, make them say something in anger that can be used against them. That is what word games are for. That is what therapists get people to do. It is what the therapists do to protect their egos, learn word games, get them angry, and get them the assassinate themselves. Mostly this works on men so therapy is bad for men because of low verbal intelligence.