Prolific Member
"Mediocrities everywhere... I absolve you... I absolve you... I absolve you... I absolve you... I absolve you all."
Here you are free to present your true self. No need to correct gramatic errors. No need to wrap your ideas in poetic beauty in an attempt to get the intellectual recognition you so desperately crave... It's okay.. we aren't geniuses. You aren't special, and intellectually I am sure this forum has made you come off your high horse. If you are still up there, you probably belong to this club more than anyone. Come! Write what you want to say. Don't edit your post. Speak your mind. Who cares if your ideas aren't original, has been said many times over, seems a little rough... as long as they are Your genuine thoughts, it shouldn't matter if you didn't structure it right, or that they aren't Fancy enough in content.
Come! Stop trying to take on the identity of the people you admire here. You become false and taste like sour milk.
To all the greater minds out there; I wish I could be you. In this forum, I am the superficial one. In this realm, I am the living example of the human filth I so desperately want to flush. There are many more of you out there. Come, let's flush our filth down This drain. Let the elite have their discussions without any disturbance from lesser minds. We have only been given the power to recognize our ignorance, now it's time to act up on it!
Here you are free to present your true self. No need to correct gramatic errors. No need to wrap your ideas in poetic beauty in an attempt to get the intellectual recognition you so desperately crave... It's okay.. we aren't geniuses. You aren't special, and intellectually I am sure this forum has made you come off your high horse. If you are still up there, you probably belong to this club more than anyone. Come! Write what you want to say. Don't edit your post. Speak your mind. Who cares if your ideas aren't original, has been said many times over, seems a little rough... as long as they are Your genuine thoughts, it shouldn't matter if you didn't structure it right, or that they aren't Fancy enough in content.
Come! Stop trying to take on the identity of the people you admire here. You become false and taste like sour milk.
To all the greater minds out there; I wish I could be you. In this forum, I am the superficial one. In this realm, I am the living example of the human filth I so desperately want to flush. There are many more of you out there. Come, let's flush our filth down This drain. Let the elite have their discussions without any disturbance from lesser minds. We have only been given the power to recognize our ignorance, now it's time to act up on it!