Normally you wouldn't notice an INTP male because we're invisible, or at least camouflaged to look like humans. Possible giveaways include harmonious colour schemes and un-ironed shirts. Dressing up like that is more of an ESF attention seeking "I'm an artist look at me" kind of thing.
This is true I guess, and the very fact that we're all indoors and pasty skinned, right now when the sun is shining, says a lot TBF
Perhaps my cartoon is too idealistic/less realistic
Not known too many ESF types, I know an ENFP and she's scary enough hehe
My dad's INTP too, he's an electrical engineer (hardware guy), but he
no way looks normal (long hair, corduroy trousers, strange shirts) even despite the fact that he hardly ever goes anywhere. +The other INTPs I know are slightly kooky (including me)
-I'll come up with a more realistic set + stop allowing my fantasising about men getting in the way :P