Her mannerisms conform to what have been previously shown to be exhibited in Ti leads. - Poor posture, puppeteer hands, looking down to the side a lot. There is a lot of abrupt Ti neutralisation after emoting moments like 2:23. The head is not lead by the eyes.
A lot of my reasons are based on Socionics theory. So if you don’t hold much stock in that you might not like what follows.
Super-ego – a lot of problems that come with typing are that a case comes from the position of letting their super-ego dictate their behaviour. The role function (super-ego) for an INTP according to Socionics is Fi. So they try to come off as someone that is concerned with their personal relations with other people i.e. an Fi lead. This isn’t necessarily being fake or anything; it plays a part in queuing up information for the ego to digest. INTPs are interested in others, but they aren’t really good at demonstrating their feeling in a deep sense, they can only convey it superficially.
Look at the interviewer Alexa Chung. She, I think, is INFP. So her Super Ego role function is Ti. She comes off as a bit colder, Ti neutralization, when listening to new information. Again, it’s not like she’s being fake or anything; it helps her admit information which is channelled into her Fi.
If you are an INTP you normally feel an impulse to laugh if someone tells a joke, even if it’s a bad joke. Because you are intp you most likely haven’t been listening in the first place, but your Fi role function makes you feel like you should reciprocate the emotion and that you should now laugh a big hearty laugh to let the joke teller feel satisfied that they have told a great joke. You will feel guilty if you don’t laugh. You may have developed ways of getting around having to laugh, like having developed a deadpan persona, or you may try an put on a laugh, a chuckle or something. A lot people can see through this, and this is why human interaction is so stressful. It feels like your faking it a lot of the time. I think Lorde exhibits this behaviour in this interview.
Alexa the INFP might not appear to have as much difficulty with her role function, but she does still feel the pressure, she looks uncomfortable, she feels a requirement to be logical and intellectual (Ti). But she has a get out, and that is to quickly bark out another question if she feels it’s getting too much. And this is something she does a lot if you’re familiar with her work.
Lorde, I’d argue, doesn’t have this facility, as it’s harder to genuinely act an emotion than it is to articulate a pre-prepped question. This is what makes new social environments so traumatic for INTPs. I think we have it harder than anyone (though that’s maybe open to debate). ENTP for instance have role function Se, the pressure to present the perfect appearance.
To sum that up I’d say it was the reason Lorde she comes across as awkward when emoting. As an INTP I'd say that I relate to this.
Other context is that Lorde has made outspoken comments about other popstars in interviews. She has already criticized Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift. I think this is Lorde making personal judgements using Ti. It’s not really live and let live Fi judgements but more “I think that Selena Gomez is setting a poor example for women with her solicitations in her lyrics (eg. If you want it come and get it), she should knock that off” I’d say that was a Ti judgement. Maybe Selena Gomez is passive and likes the guys to take the initiative. Who is Lorde to judge?
Looking at the lyrics of her songs there are clues which suggest INTP mindset:
The whole song is a rejection of materialism – Se Vulnerable function
Lyrics which suggest an ideal of harmony within a group of friends - Fe ideal
Tennis Court
“Never not chasing a million things I want” – Ne over Se?
“Don’t you think that it’s boring how people talk” – INTP habit of zoning out during small talk. Ti focus on the important issues.
Her songs do not seem to focus on a single object of love and rather on a group of friends having a good time. – Fe over Fi. (She is only 16 though maybe she just hasn’t had an obsessive love experience yet.)
I’d advise anyone questioning the utility of lyrical analysis as a typing aid to listen to “All I Really Want” by Alanis Morisette and tell me that it wasn’t an INTP who wrote that.