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LOOP OF HELL. We are used by genes to pass them further. Then we are old and killed.


Local time
Today 10:55 PM
Mar 4, 2014
Please read this. And use arguments for or against this text and views presented.

In life, instead of progress, there is regress. It's best when you are young, and then, day by day its worse and worse. Not surprised so many people use drugs, alcohol, antidepressants to kill that truth in them.

That's why old people's marriages are having wars and depression. And also, old people realize how they were scammed, but it's too late, they already made children and contributed to world and society. And same mistake will be made by their children. And that's how it goes, for thousands of years, from generation to generation.

If genes/evolution would make being old and dying fun, then I'd contributed to world and had children. But it's not. Living is shit, and being old/dying pure hell. Being old and dying is so shitty because all people don't care about that, if we started to care and boycott genes/world/society (by not working, not having children, by not living) then it would have to improve or... people who care about being old and dying would extinct, only short-term thinking impulsive people would stay and reproducted.
We always hear "be optimistic", "you are young, have fun!", "don't worry so much about future", and we use that advice, then we wake up being 40+ years and realizing we were only used/scammed by genes and that life is shit and we will just become sick and die in pain.

Do you feel any pleasure from eating 14 days ago? Do you feel pleasure from having doing something 10 years ago? You don't even remember it. The point is, only NOW matters, even if previously you was rich happy guy but now have cancer, you will feel like shit. Dosen't matter you were happy before.
That's why I wanted to plan to have passive income, good health etc, so I will feel good when I'm older. The thing is, I can't do anything to feel good when old and dying. I can't do anything to feel good when I will have alzheimer's. I can't do anything to being old and people not liking me because I'm old. Everybody likes young people, they are beautiful. Old are shit, ugly, useless. And can't "plan" to not be such at old age. Can't do nothing. And having consiousness of that, there is no point in doing anything, no point of living, having money, kids, woman, no point in anything. Because i'm gonna lose everything and feel like shit and die.
Or you might think: "I won't lose everything, because I will pass genes and memes." Sure, but will you be happy from that when you'll be old, sick person? No you won't.

There is no point for old people being happy. They are useless so it's better for genes/world/society to kill them, or have them depressed so they suicide. That is probably reason why people use tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and live unhealthy.
Sure, you will be happy when you 20-25 year old fucking your girl/wife. Because you are needed now, for genes/world/society, so have your fun... after you make children/pass memes/work/contribute to world, after you do all that, then you are useless for us (genes/world/society) so we will make your life hell, and kill you. We will use you, manipulate you, so you do what we want and need, and after you make your mission, you will be annihilated. That's the world. That's the society. That's the humanity. That's the human.

And this is so shitty as an intp. As an intp, I want constant improve, improve of world, observe it growing, and improve myself. I want to be smarter, more wise, have more skills, more money. But this is not how it is in this world, I will achieve my maximum/peak at 20-30 years old, and then will slowly lose everything, my knowledge, my intelligence, my memory, my assets, my beauty, my woman's beauty, my sex drive, my life drive, my happynes, my mental clearness, my health, and then, my life. Whatever you do, whatever intelligent you are, whatever good did you for people and world, it all dosen't matter. You will end up like I described. And they won't respect you for what you did to world, even your children won't respect you that much even though you gave them life. They will call you less often and less often, visit you rarely. And if they visit, it's only because they think they should do that, not because they want.
I don't want to suffer all this. I don't want.

We are the slaves of genes. They control us. We do what they want, then they kill us in pain and being old. We need to boycott them. We can't accept such thing, they are scamming us. I could do what they expect from me, under condition that it won't be so bad after I make my "mission", but it is bad, very bad. People need to realize that and boycott them, or we have to invent how to make being old and dying less bad and suffering. If we had some real "antidepressants" (not ones that make you suicide), and if we used them when old, and then maybe load big dose when sick and very old, and have euthanasion. I don't know. How do you want your eldery and death be like? Please tell me.

You can have children or make memes, but it dosen't matter. Just like *you* are not your father or mother. You have your own self-consiousness. And that's the thing that makes you living and thinking human, having self-consiousness. When you die, you lose it. You are done, totally. Your children won't have part of your self-consiousness, they will have other, brand new. There will be no your memory in your children brains. And the memory is core part of self-consiousness. You will lose that, and your body will be eaten by worms. Your life is shit, it's worth shit, we don't need you or care about you. Human is worth zero. Just like you was created from nothing, then you will be turned into nothing. Where was your self-consiousness in year 1850? Asking, because it will be in same place when you die. Also, who is the "person"? I'm not the person I was 5 or 10 years ago. Who am i? And when next 5 years will pass, who am I compared to me today? I don't understand what is a person. Like I said, core part of self-consiousness, and a person, is a memory. In 5 years I will forget most things and situations, I will have different views and thinking. And what if the person lose memory? What if person have dementia?
We are not even the same person in our lifes. It's modified by our organism, we are loaded with hormones and other stuff, it has serious impact on who we are. First they make us child who plays with toys and is having fun, then they make us a person to find spouse and have children, then they modify us to raise that children (we are happy to this point), then it modify us to being old depressed useless people, and they just can't wait till we die, so we don't use resources, which could be used for younger, better people. Because old people are bad investition. They are not needed, and will die. So we invest everything into young then. Children are happy, the are happy just by eating and playing toys. The best part of my life was childhood, even that I had many problems, even health problems and pain. But I was happy so I could live with pain from my health issues. And when you will be old you will be depressed even if you didn't had health problems. You become less and less happy as the genes/society/world need you less and less, they make you less happy.

Also, almost every human makes children. And wants them to care about him when he is old, which is not always the case. And this child will also make children. And it will have different genes combination etc so some children will end up as sick/mentally sick/suicide etc. And every one of us or our children or grandchildren can end up like this. That's why I was thinking of some way that we would care about every human that is unable to have normal life, so we provide him food etc and so he can live and then die with respect. The only thing is, that this human shouldn't have children on his own. Maybe he will be allowed if he pays all his debt from using public services, public food etc. Also maybe we should encourage depressed, sick etc people to not have children. But almost everybody wants to have them. But if he didn't, he could save his children from suffering he had. But what about eldery/dying of this person? We need quality services for such people. So they can feel good before and during their death.
I'm so first world. My first world problems. And then look at Africa or somewhere, where thousands people birth, die, kill themselves every day.

I had problems as child. It was driving me to live, I wanted to escape. Now I don't have that problems, yet I have much less life drive. Seems similar to when after World War II there was such big fertility rate. Maybe that's the problem of my life, and problem of first world people - they are secure, safe, nobody wants to kill them, they have food, and even TV. In previous time, humans didn't even had time to think about such things and post some stupid internet posts/threads like this, they had to look if wolf isn't near to eat them, they had to look for food every day etc. But many people do this in modern days, by working all days (8-10 hours/day) in offices. So they don't have time to think or introspect or reflect.

But back to previous topic. Every one of us can and up like poor depressed sick people. Or our children or grandchildren can someday. How to protect from that?
Also had idea for something like this: when there is man and woman, they could test genetically or just think who they are. If they both were very paranoid or depressed or anxious etc, they are bad combination, as child can be even more like this. It could test for organical/genetic diseases too. But wait, didn't man and woman got together because of "love"? So that idea won't be wanted to be used by many.
I'm not only scared of my future suffering as old person, I'm scared of possible suffering of my eventual kids, grandkids, or just other people at all. I don't like suffering. Help me.

Life is a shitty thing, but it's nice until you are about 40-50 and have raised kids, then you start realize how life is bad and that you will die. But you made kids already. And they (children) are in this same hell now. You don't tell them anything about life being shit when old, you keep secret for yourself. Your kids will find this secret when they will became 40-50 on their own, having their own children... loop of hell.
You are going to be sick, slow, have pain. Be alone, depressed. But its already too late, as you made your children. And they (children) dosen't know this loop-of-hell secret, they will know it when they be old and have their own children. Again, too late. I'm exepction, who realized that sooner.

And if you have some problems like disease, mental disease, and you young, its gonna be hell at old age, even more hell than normally it is. Even young, healthy, optimistic, happy people become depressed sick old people. It always end like this (unless you die earlier).
If you don't believe me just ask old people on chats/internets (anonymous) about all that I'm talking about. But you probably won't find them on chats. They don't even use computer. They just spend all day on bed, eat, have pain, and wait for their death.

Maybe better it's to take your's life before becoming old and sick, with alzheimer's?
Even if your children care about you when you old, you still be sick and bad. Also you will feel like you ruin their lives, that you are useless obstacle that they have to care about. Now I realize why so many people don't care about their health, drink alcohol, use tobacco etc, maybe they want to die quicker, and not suffer so long, and won't be "obstacle" for their children?

Everything is focused on young people. Radio stations, entertainment, everything. Old people are only to die.

Maybe it would be good to suicide when you are having some good time? Maybe use big amount of narcotics?

You can't be a human but have mind like robot, mind without hypocrisy. I can't handle it. I see harsh "truth" everywhere, and its very harsh truth. "Depressive realism" its called. As "normal" people are under influence of some drugs like dopamine, optimism, happynes etc.
On the other hand I don't even know what "realism" or "truth" could mean. Where is the proof that "depressive realism" is a realism, not negativistic instead? I gained "truth", and can say that it's worth shit. But it's too late to become deluded hypocrised person. It went too far.

Maybe be old but take some drugs, and someday just use big amounts to kill yourself.
Actually, in these days, majority of old people take antidepressants. Well, even many young people take them. The older you are the more depressed you are, the more sick you are. It's science proven correlation. As you live it's worse and worse every day. I want vice versa, but it's not possible.
One idea could be to invent a way to painless kill all people who become "old" so they and their family won't suffer. But it's a sick idea. Well, they have that smoking/alcohol/etc already for that, which shortens life, but it's not painless dying.

Young people have dreams, are happy, have so much time in front of them... but then time runs out quickly when you under influence of love, optimism and other narcotics. Time goes on and you end up in very very bad position, and you cannot turn back. Cannot fix mistakes you did, cannot repeat life, cannot anything. Can only regret. Or even regret that you were born.

Them philosophical pessimism. Them existential nihilism.

Btw.I'm also "used by genes" at all times, also while writing this text. I am just fullfilling my needs. No big difference between me writing this text and other people having sex, or people intoxicating with drugs, or woman giving a childbirth.
You can't escape from genes controlling you. You are designed to protect them and carry further. We are robots designed for that. That's our duty. Even if I think for 30 years, I won't escape from being human. Suicide? Can be made, it's kind of boycott. But even suicide is move within life game, society/world/genes will only gain if you suicided being person who dosen't contribute for them. Maybe destroying world is a better boycott? But I doubt genes/world/society tandem will allow you, I doubt you would even allow yourself to do that.
Yes, genes don't have brain, don't have self-consiousness, they don't think. But it dosen't matter. What matters is we are designed to copy, protect, and carry them further. We are exploted, as when we are no longer needed, we become old, sick, disrespected, and we die in pain, alone, depressed.

Or maybe could get a girlfriend and suicide with her when young and in love, so at least I will be happy while dying?

Do you know any old person who is happy? Do you know any people with alzheimer's that are happy? I don't even see 40+ year olds without depression. Btw. I am not counting people that use drugs, alcohol or antidepressants. Mayority of 40+ age people do use them for their mood problems.

Life is kind of credit/loan - you have best times when you are young, then you pay that by having children and working, and raising children, and even later you also pay this loan by being old, sick, depressed person who will die. It should be inverted, I want first to have bad times, and then improve and improve, have better times. I can't accept such life. I hate loans.
I can't even have fun from being young because of fear and consiousness of being old/dying.
And even if you have fun at young times, you still will be sick depressed person when old and dying. Dosen't matter what you did in life.
You will always regret being alive. That's the human life, aka. "LOOP OF HELL". That is my testament. Have a good day.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:55 PM
May 9, 2013

Simply enjoy your stay while you're here

fuck bitches etc


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 11:55 PM
Aug 16, 2011
just dance a little bit, in the rain, naturally, and when you are old, learn how to draw aquarells. and learn how to quiet the mind, that turns your perception of reality into a complete fucking hell.

the mind is conditioned to save your ass, because it is an expression of your genes and you are your genes, thus no amount of what you call robot thinking will create anything but perception of problems that get in the way of the saving of your ass. we could try to show you intellectually, how there is even more good stuff in old age, than you may see right now, but you will discover even more bad things afterwards. to defeat the genes, you have to defeat the robot mind. the robot is not the only gene, that tries to express itself in your brain. you can accept death, instead of running away from it.

(i know, it's easy to say, i'm not talking down on you, it's just how i see the path, because i don't glorify the inner robot like crazy)

i know the most happy chap, 80+ years old, who is probably intp (looks like architects avatar, jokes in a typical way), but 100% extroverted when he walks through town, talks to everyone he has the chance chatting to, about the joy of nothing and the joke of everything. invents poems or rhymes as he goes. he knows precisely that robot mode causes only suffering, so he has become a comedian of sorts. the kind of comedian who can express sadness also. not a cynic. he says, his grandchildren like his rhymes. everyone likes his entertaining joy.and this is not hypocricy, it's just a different expression of intelligence/genes. of course he is not naive like a happy narcissistic child. but living with awareness of tragedy is different from being desperate about it. he chooses life for a 'reason'. joy.

give good food to your genes. no animal products, not too much cooked, mostly fruits, great variety. cause depression and a torumented mind are also organic. and animal products fuck with your homones, while destroying your body.

i have alzheimer in my family and i am serious about killing myself, if it becomes obvious, that my life is over. i'm sure nutrition makes a difference in alzheimers. alzheimers is a defect, not genetic expression. genes are not that evil.

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 10:55 PM
Mar 17, 2013
Yeah, the problem is that this shit gets covered up when you grow up.. If we were instead taught the outlook of that old man and were allowed to see the world without rosey goggles from the beginning I think that'd help.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:55 PM
Feb 13, 2014
I just got hit by an eye raping wall of txt. I have discovered most of the things you've just mentioned that are relevant a long time ago, many introverted thinkers have, this isnt a new discovery.

What is your purpose in life, what is my purpose, what is our purpose?

Why does everyone feel that they need a purpose?

I dont feel like I need a purpose in life, My purpose in life is to enjoy it and maintain that happiness for as long as I possibly can.


Magos Biologis
Local time
Tomorrow 6:55 AM
Feb 3, 2012
The fading of the old and the emergence of the new is known since the dawn of human civilization. The selfish gene is basically just a modern twist to that old tale.

Anyways, why not focus on what you can control instead? Make the most of your limited life and find the things and people that you value.


Magos Biologis
Local time
Tomorrow 6:55 AM
Feb 3, 2012
i know the most happy chap, 80+ years old, who is probably intp (looks like architects avatar, jokes in a typical way), but 100% extroverted when he walks through town, talks to everyone he has the chance chatting to, about the joy of nothing and the joke of everything. invents poems or rhymes as he goes. he knows precisely that robot mode causes only suffering, so he has become a comedian of sorts. the kind of comedian who can express sadness also. not a cynic. he says, his grandchildren like his rhymes. everyone likes his entertaining joy.and this is not hypocricy, it's just a different expression of intelligence/genes. of course he is not naive like a happy narcissistic child. but living with awareness of tragedy is different from being desperate about it. he chooses life for a 'reason'. joy.

What a cool old guy! I hope I can spend some time with him to learn a trick or two about life.


Useless knowledge
Local time
Today 10:55 PM
May 28, 2012
You seem to be mixing up well being with what you think well being consists of.

There is no point for old people being happy. They are useless so it's better for genes/world/society to kill them, or have them depressed so they suicide.

Useless for society? Even it that was true, which it isn't, why would you care? You're not planning on becoming a fascist dictator anyway I presume. The fact of the matter is that there are plenty of studies showing that older people indeed experience more happiness, despite your pointless notion of it being pointless.

You can research it yourself, but here is just one headline I found "Happiness decreases with age but peaks past 50 - and 85 is our happiest year"

Nihilism will only stimulate your ego so far, as it feeds on a cosmological perspective which is pointless by its definition to a human being. Nihilism is just something to be acknowledged, as in when you're a teenager, and then the real philosophy of Existentialism can take over - and at some point you're probably done with that too and busy living.

Now that you have figured out what you think is pointless, you can begin to figure out which values you base those judgments on. Hopefully, you will find out that you haven't just adapted the values of society , but if you have, then it's probably time to reevaluate.

Everything is focused on young people. Radio stations, entertainment, everything.

Hint, developing your values through media and entertainment is probably not that original. Don't tell me you're jealous of Justin Bieber.

Do you know any old person who is happy?

Incidentally, I just had a conversation with my 84 year old grandmother yesterday, and she was talking about how much she was enjoying life. She even bragged about the fact that her cleaner had told her how impressed she was by her positive outlook. "I'm never bored" she said, "I never wake up to be negative", "I only sometimes worry about one of my sons' economy, but that's about it - and that's out of my control now anyway". Since you asked about it, I thought I would share.


Local time
Today 10:55 PM
May 18, 2009
How is this a loop?

Are we eventually reborn?


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 5:55 PM
Sep 25, 2008
My 94 year old grandmother is pretty happy.
My 72 mom is pretty happy.
So yeah, I know some happy old people.

It's not all a bed of roses, and sometimes aging can create some difficulties. And like THD, yes, we're stuck dealing with processes that don't care about as "people," we're just biological units subject to the same laws as everything else in this world, person or no.

But at the same time a lot of one's attitude lies within. you either learn to accept it and deal and make the best of it, or you don't.


a bearded robocop
Local time
Today 6:55 PM
May 3, 2012
That's the human life, aka. "LOOP OF HELL".

and it moves us all through despair and hope, faith and love until we find our place on the path unwinding.

The Void

Local time
Today 10:55 PM
Dec 23, 2013
In the Void
I used to think like that when I was 7-8 years old or something.
I used to cry and think of all that.
But then I was just a kid, I grew up, man.
Its immaturish, to be so clinged to life or repelled from death.
Live, enjoy, get old, sleep, die, or die young, it doesnt matter.
death can happen to me, within one second after this post. It is a natural part of life.
I have accepted it.
Death makes life beautiful, it will suck having an immortal life,
the contrasts, of life, along with the death, is beautiful,
impermanence is beautiful, impermanence is life, everything changes, suffering and pleasure both will change, who dont like variety,
people suffers because they get to attached to toys.... but even that suffering is what contrasts life.
without balanced contrast the picture don't appear,
I dont care for people to care for me, i just want to keep on spamming,
i dont care to arbitarily increase life, i will just wait for death and die.
it is not actually beautiful, just a neutral not even neutral it is just what you make of it,
live and die,
just a mad process, it doesnt matter, it is pointless to tense so much about it,
just some tempirary suffering but then it will end,
just some temporary pleasure and then it ends,
why struggle so much for these pleasures and suffering?
why not just chill and relax and calmly sort out life, to make your future smooth or non-smooth....


Hide thy life
Local time
Today 2:55 PM
Aug 23, 2012
I think its good to understand that life is without any external meaning, only in that you create it. It focuses us to live "naturally" and freely. We wouldn't rely on these utopian(myth ideals) collectivist systems such as the State, or Religion if more people came to understood this.

It seems that you are trapped in thinking meaning is something to be found, not created.


Magos Biologis
Local time
Tomorrow 6:55 AM
Feb 3, 2012


Professional INTP
Local time
Today 3:55 PM
Dec 25, 2010
Too long to bother reading.

However I agree that it's our job to eradicate death. Life is too important to leave to blind evolution.


Local time
Today 2:55 PM
Dec 25, 2013
I kind of understand your post. I feel the same way and usually think about this as well. The whole concept of "golden years" is BS. Work your entire life then when you are too old to work, suffer and die. All that is really done (especially for middle and lower class) is the person is fed and housed, fed and housed so that the person can work.

I try to not think about it though, as it does get depressing.

I do disagree with a lot of what you have said. I will list few of my disagreements below.

1) You don't start getting dumber or weaker when you hit 30, this all depends on what kind of stimulus you subject your body to, I think you can remain very healthy and smart well into your older years. If you sit on your ass you will get weak, etc.

2) as for losing youth etc and starting to be ugly, there is no such thing as ugly or beautiful, this concept is created by society, I think you can personally define what is ugly and not ugly. So if your definition of ugly is someone old, then you will be ugly when you are old. But you don't have to define ugly = old, although, this will be tough.

Also, there is such a thing as choice, your genes are not in control, you are.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 12:55 AM
Apr 12, 2014
I hold the same opinion as TheHabitatDoctor, and I agree with how
Architect put it. Not only is evolution blind but it's slow, reality as we know
it might cease to exist one day and expecting evolution to solve it's mysteries is just ... not efficient.
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