What you're positing is refered to as a view from nowhere. Essentially that the universe exists in a certain state (objective reality ), regardless of observer and that to solve any disagreement between 2 (or more) opposing views simply requires both parties approach this objective state in perception and understanding.
My view is that some viewers are more objective than others. Schizophrenics as an example are the least in touch with reality so when you try and be objective with them this means their delusions get in the way. I assume there exist people with a view more in line with reality and they can rationally come to the same conclusions about reality than people with schizophrenia or any other conditions that inhibit objective perceptions, reasoning and understanding.
The problem comes A) from the assumption that such a state can be reached, which is false because ideas and facts are processed by a machine meant for pragmatic survival reasoning and not abstract objective reasoning. To put it more simply not even Einstein always thought like Einstein. Thus this leads to insular arguments where neither party is willing to budge because their perception must be the correct one.
This only makes sense if the impasse is limited to an ingrained sense of identity. Remember that for people to discover a new truth they must be open to changing their perceptions so as to be all inclusive of the thought process that is abstract objective reading. An example may be that two people have a disagreement and because they understand what is the spliter between them they must shift into an area more aligned with the other party.
When people say humans were not evolved to abstract objective reasoning I would say humans did not evolve to make video games. nor did we evolve to solve math problems or build air plains.
The notion that evolution is the only thing that defines humans is ludicrous. It negates everything we know about culture and complexity. 100,000 word exist in English yet by the postmodern logic they do not exist because they were not created by evolution. Abstract objective reasoning does not need to be created by biological evolution for it to have sound epistemological foundations.
I have no problem reasoning about abstract concepts such as the objectivity of truth. Just because I evolved from creatures that could not make abstractions as complex as mine does not invalidate my capabilities. For one thing, my verbal IQ is 132. I will not say the accuracy is high or low for test validity, but that just by measurement my language understanding is higher than 99 percent of people. Questioning that I am incapable of understanding because evolution is the basis to dismiss abstract abilities in humans makes no logical sense to me.
B) is a more pragmatic concern. If we accept that the objective truth is inaccessible to us what is the difference between that and objective truth not existing.
You are making a false dichotomy. You are saying that either all objective truth is available to humans or that none is accessible. The reason I am capable of abstract objective reasoning is not that I have access to all objective truth but that I have a good enough amount to begin to make inferences and hypothesis about what objective truth may be by abstracting upon my current knowledge. I know things and I expand what I know through experiment testing and temporary conjecture of what is absolute. My ability to know is finite but it not totally inaccessible. If it was completely inaccessible then we go back to the dichotomy that because we evolved from lower life forms that we can never know anything. This is almost Nilhistic because it is all or none. I reject this and accept that I know some objective truth. The nihilistic all or none of the truth being accessible is not found in any human that I know of. I know of no human that is God nor any human besides brain-dead vegetable that make this dichotomy valid. Human are in the middle with an accesses to at least some abstract objective truth.
Another thing is I fear that you are mixing consensus with objective reality. 2 people agreeing that a certain distance is 1km in length does not necessitate that the distance is actually 1km in length. I'd argue that the need for consensus betrays the hypothesis of an objective reality.
When I point to a building and yell everyone looks, it is a tall building. Some people will yell back, yes I see the tall building. Did our consensus make it that the tall building exists? No, it did not. But we were both seeing something. The objective reality is that the tall building exists. Consensus I have said early is a way for people to align perspectives. It is about understanding what the other person has as their perceptive and incorporating it into your perspective. Cooperation would be impossible if there was no external objective reality from which to organize society. Objective reality is no different than Objective truth. Communication is the problem because not all perspectives aline. This is not an invalidation of Objective truth. Consensus reality is simply an alignment of a certain perspective by 2 or more people. We both know this form exists, we both know I am Animekity and you are verification this is a consensus reality between us. Does this mean that because we both know each other in this limited way that this invalidates Objective truth because our perspective are in alinement? Consensus reality can be true or false when it comes to the truth we are agreeing upon. An example is that 30 percent of people believe Saddam had WMD's even after it was proven false. Another example is that 50 percent of people believe the earth is round. The Consensus is not important but the truth value of the Consensus is. Earth is a round sphere is an objective truth but communication creates a Consensus where people can talk about this truth.
The point of truth is that the world objectively exists. On this forum, people discuss what they think up things of as what they know and what can be expanded as what they know. Langauge is a Consensus of how we discuss ideas. This brings our perspectives into alinement so that we can agree on the nature of reality. Abstract objective truth is very simple to understand, I am Animekitty and you are verification. These profiles objectively exist, the people behind the profiles make objective claims. We then discuss if these objective claims are absolute.
abstract means a symbolic reference to ideas.
Absolute mean indissoluble
Absolute truth means a truth that cannot be destroyed
abstract absolute truth is:
Symbolic truth about reality that cannot be destroyed.
All language is symbolic. I can use Symbols to describe reality. The results of my findings can never be destroyed. Because even if I am gone by death or anything else. Objective reality can be measured because it never goes away. Any creature capable of reasoning exists in reality and reality does not go away. If reality exists the symbols used do not matter because what matters is if the symbols accurately model reality. The earth is a round sphere can be said in any language with their symbols. The earth is round and has existed for over 4 billion years is an absolute truth in any language. I have no idea how this is not true unless you believe the argument that we cannot know absolute truth because we evolved from a monkey.
I do not care that I evolved from monkeys, the earth is 4 billion years old is an absolute truth whether it is part of consensus reality or not. Lots of people agree with me but it would still be true even if no one agreed with me. The consensus simply makes communication easier.