Hmmm It almost sounds like you may have the same problem with memory that I do. I would even speculate this may be another thing INTPians have in common. There are two types of long term memory, Recall and Recognition. I have virtually zero Recall memory, so I am also looking up stuff to check the details (like names etc.). I do have fabulous Recognition memory (in compensation?), but that results in a lot of tip-of-the-tongue experiences, where I recognize or 'know' something but I can't put a name to it...
Frustrating, to say the least...
I'm thinking one has to have good Recall memory to be an expert at anything - all those annoying details that have to be just 'right'!
Good Lord I can't express to you adequately how much I empathize with this, especially the last part, which fills me with so much damn resentment, insecurity, frustrating, self loathing, despair, etc etc.
When I took an I.Q. test about four years ago, my recall (or retrieval) scored something like a 72, which is in the bottom 1%. My working memory, on the other hand, scored something like a 138 (maybe for compensation?).
Whenever I talk I have to search long and hard for the right words, and I usually don't find them even after putting so much energy into. I think some less perceptive people might even find me stupid because of it. This is one reason why I prefer communicating through writing, because I can take as long as I need to search for the right words, phrasing, etc.
This has been disturbing me greatly as of recent, because I'm going to be attending college for the first time in my life in January, and I'm afraid that if I can't memorize the fucking details I'll never be able to succeed academically, and if I can't succeed academically what am I supposed to do? Work as a garbage man? Work in an office being subservient to some dickhead? I honestly think I'd rather shoot myself in the head then work some mindless job for the rest of my life.
Sorry for this outburst. I really needed to get that off my chest.