Thanks all. I have since also read crushing the microstakes. Some of the stuff doesn't make sense if you are not playing online, but it's been great as a guide.
Some basic advice:
Best thing to do in microstakes is just play solid or Tight-Aggressive and premium cards, until you gain some decent experience.
When you're new to poker, you should focus on playing your cards ultimately, when you miss, fold, when you hit, play it aggressively.
Table selection - if you're playing with a lot of calling stations and average players, you can use it to your advantage by playing on 9seat tables, where there are a lot of people seeing the flop, and you're playing connected cards/1 or 2 apart, because when you hit it, straight, you'll typically get a big pay off. Flushes gotta be careful with, if you don't have the Ace or it's not on the board.
Top pairs/face cards are worth less the more players there are.
If you know there is an aggressive player, try to sit to their left (act after them)
Premium cards UTG (small blind/blind/+1)
Middle pairs higher - from middle position.
Lower starting card requirements allowed at the back/on the button, because you can see how everyone else acts and respond appropiately.
(say everyone folded to you, but s/blind still up, you could try raising and steal the pot. Helps to know the general style of everyone at the table first though.
If you're played back at, you can call (if reraise isn't too large) and see the flop, if they check, bet! Could knock them out then. Look at the board/flop though, take into consideration if there's a higher chance they might call, say if there were 2same suited/straight, and will play for that.
You should try out different games types if you haven't already: Cash, SnG/DoN and MTTs and see what you prefer/are best at.
Remember, different types of games = different strategies.
Tight-Aggressive wins overall in the lower stakes, but it's best to learn to adapt to the table. "table dynamics" is a skill you should develop too. (assessing before you sit down, if you can)
I played all 3, decent at all 3, ended up with MTTs though, Cash/SnGs were just too slow for me, and multitabling bleh, I like to be involved, not botting myself out.
Sorry to overwhelm xD
Stick to playing strong cards at the beginning though. A-B-C poker.