If any of you would like to play a game that isn't a button-mashing noob-fest, I have dota 2 keys to spare.
If Baron Rouge runs out, I have 16 of those and no one to give them to.
I've played a couple of thousand league of legends games but have put the game behind me because the people I played with stopped playing and I stopped enjoying soloqueue much in combination with other factors such as other groups I played with were very disparate skill-wise and some social aspects of those circles were tiresome. I kind of miss the days I played on the US server (once you get used to low ping and maneuvers you can do at low ping, it doesn't feel good to go back to high ping). Americans have a much higher percentage of people who are fun to play with.
While league of legends makes one feel as if one isn't just doing everything horribly wrong when one first starts out at the game (which one does, but one just doesn't notice it due to less immediate punishment due to extremely narrow match making, in contrast to dota2), it does not mean it doesn't have a very high skill ceiling. Getting better at is is more linear, though.
The inflation in recent years of IP prices (ingame playing-acquired currency for unlocking things that you can use in character modification setups and acquiring champions) has made it so that league of legends requires you to play more than a thousand games to have a repertoire of character modification objects, number of setups of them to use and champions of various kinds to be able to fill every role in the game somewhat optimally with your choices.
Or, you can buy an alternate currency to purchase your champions and character modification pages so you can put all your IP in the character modification objects.
While this pay to win aspect is less apparent and less impactful at low skill and experience level, eventually just knowing it can feel a bit meh.
I wouldn't recommend anyone to start playing league of legends back in the last 6-8 months or so of when I played, because the time investment to learn about all the champions and to unlock things that allowed for customization of your character can be atrocious now with so many champions and so high IP prices.
If you manage to not be peeved by any of the things I mentioned, you can certainly have a lot of fun! League of Legends feels much more responsive, active and qui-thinking + reflexes based than dota2. "Runes" and "Masteries" allow a high degree of customization of characters to fit certain play styles and item choice paths through a game, and one of the most stimulating aspects of the game for me was to figure out ways to play a character well that I didn't see anyone else use. This is probably a lot harder and thus stimulating in league of legends than dota2 because you need to be aware of a lot of numbers and math to know what's even remotely viable (which is true to some extent in dota2 but less so, as it's a game that's balanced in very unsymmetrical ways and the math involved is more straightforward with less kinds of values to take into consideration).
Dota2 is a rougher game. Things that do stuff do stuff more. Especially crowd control. The longest lasting stun in league of legends last time I played was 3 seconds, but to do so, you had to hit someone with a relatively slow moving arrow from around the quarter of a distance of the map, or the duration would be highly decreased. The typical stun was around 1 second, and to take down an opponent without it escaping at top 10% skill level, you usually had to time your crowd control and expect the other person's feints and dodges of skillshots very well. Dota2 has many silences and stuns in the area of 3 up to even around 7 seconds, and things like temporary total immunity to all damage for around the same time. It can become very "you're hit with 1 skill, you're now going to die. there's no chance to escape with half your hp if you skillfully feint the person's next skill or the opponent doesn't dodge yours", which is part of why it feels so unforgiving at the beginning. You feel so much more powerless.
At high level in league of legends, what at low skill level can seem like kind of small differences in how beefed up your character is from ganks and gold can matter extremely much to the extent that you can ultimately lose the game for your entire team through your lane opponent capitalizing on its lead to keep you away from gold and xp and growing huge if you die once early in league of legends, or simply by exerting pressure on other players on your team to take the risk to attempt to help your in your lane by attempting to kill you (which results in decreased pressure applied to and gold from their own lane, so if it fails, it's costly and potentially exponentially so throughout the game).
Now I've blabbered on long enough ,_,
Just... Dota2 players often wrongly extrapolate high level league play to be less unforgiving than Dota2 high level play due to how much less unforgiving low level league play feels than low level Dota2 play.
If I start playing moba again it will probably be Dota2. I intensely enjoy steep learning periods and many INTPs probably will too. Before the first time I played I looked through every item and most of the champions and thought about things a lot. There will be many "aha" moments in Dota2.