Watched a few movies recently:
Audition: Wonderful pic, creepy as heck and all on a low, low budget from the looks of it. I also like how it works for an actual straightforward drama for much of it, until the dark twists start coming.
Megamind: I'm a Will Farrell fan, so I enjoy it; those who don't like Will might not be as fond of it. But most of the gags are amusing to me, as well as the earnest undercurrent where it's clear that this guy who originally felt like life demanded he be evil ends up realizing it wasn't really his calling after all... and that maybe the good guy gets tired of the schtick as well.
The Descent: I try to watch this every so often. it's just SLIGHTLY more streamlined than I liked -- I think the whole subplot involving Beth, Sarah, Paul, and Juno is just a LITTLE too much understated (there are so few lines of dialogue about it that, if you miss one, you might not understand the subtext which is necessary to add some richness to the overt plotline), but it's a brutal movie. The movie captures the claustrophobia and fear of being trapped underground, and either you'll hate the mid-movie twist in tone or you'll think it's even more frightening. Of course, then there's the whole ending, which they modified for American audiences because we can't handle existential starkness but still is shot and composited beautifully, with elements of Asian ghost horror, and the original ending kind of pulls the movie's title in a few different directions. Acting is good from mostly no-names; it shows female dynamics within a group as opposed to the male dynamics in "Dog Soldiers" (the director's prior film, about a bunch of British soldiers needing to defend themselves against werewolves); David Julyan does an evocative score as always; and the crawlers are well-designed and acted. The worst part about the movie is that the company insisted on pushing a sequel, which makes no sense and also greatly lessens the power of the original and did poorly in the box office.
If you have the BluRay, watch the Outtakes video. The opening with the crawler on a greenscreen is just hilarious... but only if you've already seen the movie.
The Avengers: I would like to improve my original score for this movie, which was only about a B, up to a B+. Now that I knew what I was buying by watching this movie, it went down a lot better. Some great character interaction between the various "types of personalities," and of course when the Avengers come in to save/avenge NYC... well, that is just the Avengers the way they actually would be. Pretty awesome fight, and I liked how Whedon would shoot the action in one long cut by tracking one character to another, switching to that character and tracking them to another, etc. I'm pretty stoked for Iron Man 3.
Oh, geez, I hated that movie so bad, after wanting to really really like it.
And poor Cillian Murphy tried to hard to up the quality of it, but he just didn't have the support from the script or the director to pull it off.
I found Looper to be a higher-quality, tight production in terms of that type of scifi.