Dracula, '92.
Deffo the creepiest Dracula yet.
Deffo the creepiest Dracula yet.
Watched Independence Day Resurgence (NO SPOILERS):
I think one can only appreciate the movie if they watched the first film (which was released in 1996). It has a nostalgic charm with some returning old faces in the mix and has Pacific Rim levels of cheesiness. It's a great fun movie but people shouldn't expect anything profound from it.
That's what I heard. I watched the original a few weeks ago (since I never had), and while it was a "bad movie," it was still fun on some level and acknowledged and accepted it was supposed to be campy/outrageous in places. Based on the reviews, the new movie tries but doesn't pull it off as well.
yeah, Pacific Rim isn't a great movie rationally or in terms of dramatic nuance, and it runs a lot on "feelz," but it manages to remain a lot of fun and looks pretty cool in 3D. I still enjoy it.
Synopsis: After her mother, Karen (Melissa Leo) gets married for the third time, 17-year-old Greta (Hillary Duff), who had witnessed her father kill himself, withdraws within herself, and turns rebellious. In lieu of boot camp she is sent to live with her maternal grandparents, Katherine (Ellen Burstyn) and Joseph (Michael Murphy) where she makes it known that she is determined to kill herself. She then falls for a cook, Julie (Evan Ross) at the local restaurant, much to the chagrin of her grandparents - especially when they find out he had been interned in a juvenile correctional facility. Faced with all-round opposition and unhappy with her life Greta plans her suicide during a boating trip - a plan that will not only expose closeted skeletons, but also shatter and change everyone's lives forever.
However, one thing is timeless in any American sci-fi movie...
Teh Goldblum
Never heard of the Greta movie, but hell it's got Melissa Leo + Ellen Burstyn in it. So that has to elevate it, right?
PutLocker used to be my "go to" for free streaming movies. Quality usually wasn't so great and the speed could get choked, but the price was definitely right and I could find relatively obscure things. I find a lot of stuff of VeeHD now, but you have to install a DIVX driver; my blocker hasn't detected a Trojan horse, so... that's positive?
For Sinny:
Well, there's a list here:
I'm not sure all of those are truly accurate... I guess I understand why they are on the list, but... kind of hard to compare Angel Heart to Zootopia, right?
I'm not totally locked into your movie tastes, I suspect you might like things more practical/tangible (LA Confidential?) where I tend to veer off towards Pan's Labyrinth and the like.
On that list I'm a big fan of: Angel Heart, Heat, Blade Runner, Mystic River, Brick, Dark City, Dead Again, The Departed, Dog Day Afternoon, The Game... but now I'm getting bored reading through the list.
I actually liked The Counselor (Ridley Scott?), but it took a lot of flak on some prominent critic lists. I'm not sure why they harshed on it; in the end, the lesson learned seems pretty simple, but... I thought the acting was good.
There's also Chinatown and The Conversation, but they can be a little slow. Then again, you get to see Roman Polanski take a chunk out of Nicholson's nose with a switchblade.
The 13th Floor is not an entirely original movie, although the premise is interesting.
Shutter Island?
I dunno, based on your feedback to this much, I can probably pass you some better-targeted pics.
Polanski's a great director, to be fair; but he's kind of a shit for another reason, yeah, I'm sure we're on the same page here.
So our tastes do overlap a great deal in these genres. Dog Soldiers, ha! I gotta watch that again; The Descent (same director) is one of my fave movies, but I've only watched DS once.
I just picked up "Underworld: Awakening" Bluray 3D for $10. The first one is still the best movie, but $10 for a 3D? And the video/audio quality got 5 stars from, so... hey whatever.
I actually like Jolie a lot (she's beautiful, she's resilient, she's competent, she achieves her goals), although she has taken a beating lately in terms of her directing efforts. Some of that is just pushback because she oversaturated the industry, some of it is that she has to perfect her directing game. But I'm actually a big fan of "Salt," that's not a movie most people mention so I'm noting it. (And on the extended clips, Salt mentions as a young girl about how her favorite restaurant is "McDonald's along Front Street in Harrisburg" -- that's an actual place, I lived in Harrisburg, and I've eaten there a few times... it's a non-descript low-traffic Mickey D's, so the writer must have Google map'ed it.)
Anyway, yeah, I've seen at least 75-80% of the movies you mentioned here by name. Okay, I will see if I can think of others.
Did you see "The Butterfly Effect?" It's not the greatest scifi movie ever, but the reality hopping can be interesting + the director's cut has an ending that I think has more balls than the theatrical ending and ties together with stuff we learn earlier in the movie.
Cameron Diaz is underrated, she's done a variety of roles even though she tends to be remember for her looks. I actually like "Knight and Day" with her and Cruz; it's light-hearted summer fare, but I thought it was a lot of fun, and it was a funny movie, and it also has Paul Dano (an actor critics know but probably an audience wouldn't recognize by name, although he's done lots of things at this point, ranging from "There Will be Blood" to "Looper" and "Little Miss Sunshine") playing the savant kid who develops the battery. Diaz was wonderfully god-awful in "Bad Teacher," critics ripped on that movie but I thought it was funny. I like Sandra Bullock in the right movie; I haven't watched as much of her stuff overall, though... "While You Were Sleeping" and "Gravity" are probably her movies I've seen the most.
That's pretty cool.. and Salt was fucking bad ass. I don't know how that film slipped under so many people's radars. Jolie has annoyed me tho by apparently not signing up to star in Salt 2. The movie bares a striking resemblance to some of the para-politics happening around the time of the Salt treaties. Brilliant stuff.
I just watched Eternal Sunshine again last week, it's on my top five movie list. I like they also cast Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet against type (for both) and they both pull it off beautifully. (Well, hell, Elijah Wood was also cast against type to startling effect.) The movie was also a nightmare to edit, but they pull that off too. Typically I like anything that Charlie Kaufman scripts; I still need to watch Synodoche NY though.Yea really great movie.. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind is another trippy one, and Donnie Darko, naturally.
I always liked her playing an SFJ-ish character in "My Best Friend's Wedding," Kimmie isn't the brightest bulb and would get on my nerves IRL but I love how she has admirable qualities that seem so counter-intuitive and still work beautifully. But yes, she's made some decent movies + some pretty bad ones.I think Diaz has starred in some awful movies, I often wonder how and why? But when she does pull a good role, she is capable of some decent acting.. some of the one's I preferred include: "The Other Woman", "The Holiday", "Being john Malkovich", and "Gangs of New York".
I have both that and Source Code (although I prefer the latter). BOth are decent films; I was kind of bummed to see Jones tackle a generic commercial property like Warcraft when his small independent story films are rather good. He lost four years in his career and the product was rather lackluster, although maybe it will give him experience and a resume item to make some personal but still larger-budgeted projects later?I really recommend "Moon" for a trippy sci-fi.
Last films I watched were Purple Rose of Cairo & Mulholland Drive, need to re-watch the latter to do some analysis, should probably re-watch Purple Rose considering it's so critically acclaimed but I got bored half-way through and decided to download and play the original fallout instead![]()
Oh wow ginger snaps!!!
So nostalgic...
I don't know. The same director remade his own movie for American audiences (with Naomi Watts, etc.), pretty much shot for shot, but it's not considered quite as good.I was going to say sth about funny games but im getting mad deja vu here...did we talk about this film before?
Green Room: first i thought it was going to be the typical shitty movie about adolescents having sex and doing drugs and then dying. Nope. It was a simple plot yet nicely executed. It kept me entertained, i liked the atmosphere, the neonazi vibe pressure and the underground rock scene portrait. If you want to watch something quick then u should check this one out. 7,5/10
I have a digital copy downloaded but haven't watched it yet.
I don't know. The same director remade his own movie for American audiences (with Naomi Watts, etc.), pretty much shot for shot, but it's not considered quite as good.
The original was pretty disturbing, despite the lower budget, and seemed to comment also on the commercialization of violence. Having the actors be people I didn't recognize was better.
It might have come up before?
That one's been on my list. I'll see it shortly when it hits redbox.
Also want to see it for Patrick Stewart (ha!)... and sadly, Anton Yelchin.
I'll suggest a few: Dark City, The Thing, Oldboy, Gattaca, The Shining, The Ninth Gate, and V for Vendetta.
I don't know what to say about my tastes.. I like fantasy, dystopia, neo noir, psychological thrillers.. What you say about them?
From 'They Live', 'District 9', 'Underworld', 'Sin City', 'Idiocracy', 'The 5th Element', 'I Robot', 'Source Code', 'Moon', 'Alien', 'Predator', 'Mad Max', 'Avatar', 'The Moth Man Prophecies', 'Seven', 'Silence of the Lambs', 'Gone Girl', 'Zodiac', 'Cruel Intentions', 'The Craft', 'The Abyss', '28 Days later', to 'Shutter Island', and 'Dog; Soldiers etc.
the last video i watched had your mother in it
Beerfest lol
The witch. Deviates greatly from horror norms aesthetically. Soundtrack and photo reminiscient of There will be Blood. Language of the films historical setting is supposedly used, don't think common folk spoke that way myself but the actors pull it off anyway. There was horror but despair played a more central part.
Dayum/10, are there even any other films like this?
yeah really nice one, closest thing that comes to mind is The Village
Irreversible, didn't really pay tension all the way through but it was good. Graphic imagery in the beginning was a little intense but it lessened throughout. The cinematography and colors were good especially in some of the interior scenes or scenes with landscapes, such as in the tunnel, although in that case it wasn't necessarily good but rather suiting. Will watch again.. Seemed to be preparation for the next film he made, a similar long take minimal cut style.
Thank you Jenny, lots to keep me busy me.. Ima start with The Witch, 2016![]()