Watched "Predestination" last night with Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook. I figure reaction on this forum will be either that you really like it or really hate, depending on what you're focusing on. (I happened to really enjoy it and watched it twice through back to back.)
Snook gave a pretty amazing performance, considering I'd never heard of her before. I can't say much more without spoilering the movie, but... there might be a lot there for people to connect with, especially the early life that is recounted. As an actor, she's required to do more than Hawke (and probably her most challenging role she's undertaken), so her peformance really shines through. Hawke of course is as solid as always, and as he gets to shine in the latter half of the movie, he really adds something to his character and especially in the last few minutes.
I found the short story by Heinlein (which I do not recommend reading first), it's pretty short and is missing a huge subplot added by the movie. The story is far more flippant than the movie; the movie adds some pathos to the characters and takes things an extra mile, so if I had just read the story, I would have quickly forgotten it as just another "gimmick" story... but the identity theme here and understanding of the characters resonates after the movie ends.
(I basically had the huge bulk of the story figured out early, but it was one of those movies where even if you know what's going on, it's pretty cool to watch it unfold anyway because the actors were just so great. On second pass, there's some dialogue and imagery that you might have missed the first time that actually helps tie a lot of the movie together.)
Since I wanted to know who Sarah Snook was after seeing Predestination, I found Jessabelle and watched that as well. The basic critical synopsis (that Snook shines in that movie, but the movie sucks) is pretty on the mark. It had a few decent scare moments but they were also rather predictable, and dropping into the horror trope pool did not help. Snook remains pretty amazing in the movie, however; I still don't think I can recommend the movie, but she is the one thing (well, that and her interactions with her old high school flame, who is very likeable) that makes the movie ALMOST watchable.
The stylizations of the opening and end credits pretty much reinforce what a hack job this picture is, even if it almost at times becomes something you can almost take seriously. And of course people are bitching about it Because Racism. The ending made me laugh. What suckage.