Creeping Death
There I was one spring morning, withdrawing and overall shitty in general not more than 48 hours after my last shot of diacetylmorphine. All my dealers were either in jail or being too much of an asshole to help me out. Then I remembered kratom, I've taken it before then and I knew the shops in the area had it, yet I figured my opiate tolerance was too high for my body to notice the kratom. But fuck it I said, and got myself some green maeng da.
30 minutes in- why tf did I waste my money on that?
45 minutes- mkay I notice something
1 hour - wow I actually have relief from my withdrawal symptoms
FF a few months and I take it daily and haven't touched the sticky diesel since.
I'm not sure why regulators are considered taking this plant away from the masses. There are similar stories where opiate warriors have found comfort in kratom.
Did I trade one habit for another? Yes, but do some cost/benefit analysis here. $100 of Mexican puddy will last me 6 hours, $100 of kratom will last 6 weeks. If I take too much dirty cheese I'll wake up with paramedics around me or not at all, if I take too much kratom I'll just throw it up and have some discomfort. Kratom has a plateau where taking more won't be to your benefit.
In the few dozen or so deaths associated with kratom, the person was also taking other things. It's like if you smoke weed, but then you drink a liter of vodka and swallow a fistfull of pills and do something dumb and die, and then the maryjewannas gets blamed for it. Madness I tell you.
Need a mood boost with pain relief to jump start your morning? green maeng da
Need to relax at the end of the day after wage slaving for your douchebag boss? Gold or red bali
Want to get home to the frustrated young lady who thinks you could be a little more satisfying with your equipment and knock the stuffin off that egg mcmuffin? White Indo Kali
If you release your dna-carrying bodily fluid too soon and leave a certain female companion disappointed and unimpressed then you might want to take a look at a White or Green strain.
You may notice bowel movements to be less runny and more solid, so no more wiping off the bottom of the seat that you decorated with brown speckles.
30 minutes in- why tf did I waste my money on that?
45 minutes- mkay I notice something
1 hour - wow I actually have relief from my withdrawal symptoms
FF a few months and I take it daily and haven't touched the sticky diesel since.
I'm not sure why regulators are considered taking this plant away from the masses. There are similar stories where opiate warriors have found comfort in kratom.
Did I trade one habit for another? Yes, but do some cost/benefit analysis here. $100 of Mexican puddy will last me 6 hours, $100 of kratom will last 6 weeks. If I take too much dirty cheese I'll wake up with paramedics around me or not at all, if I take too much kratom I'll just throw it up and have some discomfort. Kratom has a plateau where taking more won't be to your benefit.
In the few dozen or so deaths associated with kratom, the person was also taking other things. It's like if you smoke weed, but then you drink a liter of vodka and swallow a fistfull of pills and do something dumb and die, and then the maryjewannas gets blamed for it. Madness I tell you.
Need a mood boost with pain relief to jump start your morning? green maeng da
Need to relax at the end of the day after wage slaving for your douchebag boss? Gold or red bali
Want to get home to the frustrated young lady who thinks you could be a little more satisfying with your equipment and knock the stuffin off that egg mcmuffin? White Indo Kali
If you release your dna-carrying bodily fluid too soon and leave a certain female companion disappointed and unimpressed then you might want to take a look at a White or Green strain.
You may notice bowel movements to be less runny and more solid, so no more wiping off the bottom of the seat that you decorated with brown speckles.