school stress book learning much more than physical learning. its even more so in asian schools.
I have a question. Why do we stress book learning?
It gives us a sense of security about our future.
The problem is those secure jobs are already taken by very smart people.
The less smart people don't know this yet.
Once they graduate they will be competing for job positions with those smart people.
And those jobs positions are so filled that they don't even pay much.
Most of what you learn in school is old and insufficient for life.
Half of what you learn might be out date by the time you get working.
Some of it might be patently wrong.
And some of it might too little to compete with people who learned the right stuff.
Worst yet many smart people don't get to work in real world until they reach last year of university, by that time they are lazy and impractical book worms that don't really know what it takes to do things in real world.
They have no idea what their job is until they get it. Once they get it they realize what they learned is not what they do.
There are people with IQ 105 who can make millions.
People with IQ of 180 who are college professors and can't make enough to have a average life.
Books are great, but we live in a world where a 5 year old with internet connection has more information than a college professor.
Feeling smart eating books still?
Not saying book learning is wrong by default.
All I am saying the institution of schooling is too weak to prepare people for life.
Casting a wider net of knowledge than is offered in school is important for day to day success on changing job market, where new jobs pop out of nowhere.