A lot of this
does seem accurate, even if not
all INTPs are as extremely physically detached and seemingly infantile as this guide makes it seem (as I would say a great many are, including myself - though I'm slowly reforming my natural habits).
1. Sexual engagement on demand (i.e. "when I want it") is ideal, though it's by no means a requirement (as that's fairly selfish). Personally, I really do prefer it when the
other person initiates things (mostly because I'm very lazy and dislike assertive action). In fact, planning and effort really wears me out. And of course, I'm far from psychic, as I'm almost completely oblivious to subtle "natural indicators."
2. I used to be really bad at "remembering to eat," but I've recently become accustomed to picking up on my body's needs at a reasonable time. And yes, if food is brought to me while at my computer (though I don't usually stay at my computer all day anymore), I usually eat it up without really thinking about it. And I do not expect a woman to bring me food. If she does, great. If not, big deal. I'm happy either way. I just really dislike "very bad food," and I'll let my partner know what the food is (even if I usually like most foods). So as long as such bad food is avoided, I'm very low maintenance and easy to please. And again, guys should also cook for their partners, as well. It shouldn't be a one-way road. It's 2012.
3. I can usually find room to store my belongings without help, and getting from one place to the next is rarely a problem (and I see no reason to
expect women to do this for me, even to make me "happy"). And while I usually don't notice much in my environment, I am very particular about "climate-control," as I highly dislike "hot" environments. I really have to be in control of room temperature or I get extremely irked. And while I dislike "clean freaks" who nag and complain about any little home imperfection, I do actually prefer a clean house to a messy one (even if it's usually hard for me to prevent the latter from occurring).
4. I usually try to keep up with my own clothing (as it really shouldn't be a woman's job to do everything for her husband/boyfriend like some kind of house slave - and again, I don't see what doing a man's clothing has to do with making him "happy"). I can take care of my own clothing without becoming unhappy in a relationship. So, to me, this one is not necessary for "relationship happiness" at all, in my opinion. Guys can easily learn to do their own clothing without wanting to find a more "suitable" partner (i.e., a house slave).
5. I really hate mind games and unnecessary "irrationality." I usually work best when my partner is reasonable and logical about requests. If they can produce a valid argument as to why I should do something, I'll listen to reason and get it done. But if, on the other hand, I'm thrown on some crazy guilt trip and "pressured" into doing whatever it is that's wanted of me, I'll react very unfavorably. Essentially, I highly dislike non-rational persuasion. And yes, I usually would l like to avoid extended periods of socializing. But good thing I'm married to an introvert! And I personally think it's extremely accurate that I "want to feel smart and competent." I'm proud of my intellect and highly value rationality, objectivity, reason, and logic (so much so that I frequently find others at fault for lacking these traits). Thus, I can usually become rather grumpy and thoroughly upset if I'm personally attacked in any of these areas by my significant other. If it's impersonal critique, it's fine; everyone should have the right to constructively criticize others on a valid basis. But if it's malicious verbal abuse only meant to belittle me, I'll become rather upset. So I usually dislike verbal abuse that seeks to attack my intellect or competence. And yes, I don't really like someone making me feel bad for something I
didn't know they wanted in the first place. As far as I see it, if I was blatantly aware of some necessity, then I am to blame for not having done it; but if I was not made clearly aware of some necessity, it's unreasonable to hold me completely accountable. And it's true in my case that my partner should be very gentle with my "emotional expression." For an INTP (as I'd imagine), emotional expression isn't easy, and unless I feel comfortable, I'll quickly bottle it up and go back into my emotional hermit shell. lol
6. Intellectual needs. Yes. Yes. Yes. Of all the needs an INTP can have, this is the most important, without a doubt. I may have rather low needs in most other areas of life (as I'm rather "laid back" and "chill"), but when it comes to my mind, I usually need at least a some time throughout the day for a minimum amount of "intellectual discussion." Even if I'm just talking to myself, I need some sort of audience, or some minor feedback. In this sense, I guess, we need a "mind mate" as David Keirsey says. But I don't expect my significant other to be extremely intelligent, as I can usually get the interaction I seek from online forums such as this. It just makes a relationship work a lot more smoothly when there is that added element.
7. Money and career. This whole section was spot-on for me. The world of work is an utter disaster for me. I don't fit in and really find most occupations unfavorable, not to mention the fact that I have a foundation issue with the very idea of "wages." And rather than make lots of money, I'd rather do something I enjoy, or something which holds meaning for me (such as an "artist" or "philosopher"). These jobs are crap, and it may take a while for some people to do anything with these interests (if ever), but the process of seeking out meaningful employment is a lot more valuable than simply accepting some boring job that pays tons. I'm sure this can be very frustrated to an INTP's significant other, but it's really true that INTPs in this state really need tons of support. Without the support of a significant other, I'm sure most INTPs would simply cave in and give up on civilized living altogether.
So, to sum things up, most of this was accurate, though the sex, food, physical environment, and clothing sections seemed to be a bit too "traditional" in presuming what females "should" do to please a man. In my book, I may have particular "preferences" when it comes to these things, but I don't expect a female to do everything for me. A well rounded couple should share 50% of the load, so that it works both ways evenly. An INTP should try to accommodate their partner (in any little sense) just as much as their partner tries to accommodate them. Our partner's aren't cheap labor or house slaves just because we were born with testicles and they weren't.
So mostly, I just have preference with sex, food, physical environment, and clothing. I don't get upset or unhappy if a female
doesn't take care of everything for me. All I ask for is a) reasonable requests (or freedom from emotional mind games), b) freedom from personal attack (especially on my intellect/competence), c) intellectual engagement every now and then (or at least respect for my intellectual nature), and d) some sort of support when things aren't going well for me financially (which, when we're speaking of INTPs, is likely to be the case much of the time throughout our lives).