But we have to remember that Ti is not logic.
Ti is introvert thinking.
Which is reason, logic, thinking of all shapes and forms, but in many ways unconscious.
Although the primary functions are supposedly the dominant ergo most conscious.
I would say then that simper version would be Ti= Why?
I am not sure.
It seems that Ti would be in the head or more and be like: The orientation introversion is taking hold of the concept from the inside.
I don't want to mix Ti with either Ne or Se in the essence of what it is because those result in two different things. Ti Se would not be "Why?" but instead be the x is y with senses not concepts. So Ti Se would be more: these objects x exist for reason y.
That may be unconscious but iNtuition is the unconscious as oriented.
NeTe is: I have this idea and what it is in capability. Ne is with Ti or Te.
iNtuition as introverted would be: I am the intuition. The object of Ne is divorced from self so is not the self but in Ni it is the self and in all things because all perceived is self.
The contrast is that Si is more like the relation as said primitive. Si is in self but then make one become what may be the lizard brain, intestines, and spine. Ti and Si x is y is not exactly concept but instead this inside sense is because x is y. Te and Si would be: doing x gets gut reaction y.
Se: these outer things exist
Ni: I am all things perceived conscious/unconscious
Ne: outside "things" lend to cascades of ideas
Si: spine, lizard brain, guts - I get these sensations from the inside
Fe: I am aware of many relational attachments of persons to each other
Ti: concept x is y is because of reason (?)
Te: doing x results in outcome y
Fi: this attachment is mine or yours, personal one on one