Whatcha think bout this? no seriously, freedom of action should ideally( the what is vs what should be) be the ultimate goal-- aside with having sex and overpopulating the world with our own allmighty genes.
Also, being a naturalist and a pro-entropist, I consider that what is natural- wild- disorganized or chaotic is the "naturally" best thing (VS) what is fallacious, superficial, made up, deviated, organized.
SO In one way, our society tries to organize our lives by assigning to us "a job". By having a job; people for one way or another can't function correctly. I posit that perpetually going against our wild or natural tendency(= TO NOT WORK !!) is one of the main causes of moral, emotional and even physical distresses.
it's that he's baselessly discounting having a salary/boss as an equally valid way of doing so as not having one.
Also, one reason why I'm opposed to forced work is numbness... You litteraly loose yourself and the ability to independently think, act and rebel. Work and discipline from little age is- I guess- One of the most powerful tool society has found to control us. But of that you can only be aware if you take enough distance from the society in which you live. SO no, it's not baseless.... I just made the mistake to assume such self-evident conclusions were basics for INTPs.
Also, you alll know my dislike for cultural and environmental bias... Work as we typically know it in the west is obviously a cultural thing. Look at buddhists, look at africans,... what do they do? They enjoy their freakin lives. In terms of relative individual joy - which is I consider the other 50%(or the invisible dark matter in our societal universe, with matter= money and possessions) of what determines "rich" country- they outscore us. So could it be possible that we traded visible signs of richness for the invisible deeper richness? don't know.
Wht I know is that, me hates being culturally biased in my approach of life and thus in my understanding of truth... wanting to have an objective approach. Therefore, I just can't accept a value( work) that is culturally biased or made up.( capitalism? ).
SO , yeah INTPs... keep fighting an resisting until we get our objective-truth oriented society. A shift of paradigm we are waiting.