A layer of water washes over my eyes. Everything is blurry. There's a tightness in my chest and an emptiness to my core. My throat swells up and I freeze. My eyes can not be diverted from the sight. Space around my being seems immaterial, what constitutes 'me' is merely a dream. Should I wake up? I don't want to watch any longer. Is this really destiny? Pull me from my body, so that I may not have to watch others throw away the world they know. Goodbye Architect, it seems you have transcended and I am still stuck on this earth, on this absurd plane of perception and meaning. It's all mundane, it's all pointless.
That's the/an ultimate challenge: finding a way to make it all seem worthwhile on a day-to-day basis. I would suggest first realising that such a thing is possible, and so to always keep in mind the light at the end of the tunnel, and the beacons spread sporadically throughout it. Can I say that I have found my happiness in life? No, I cannot, but I am no longer plagued by the dark. Now, I am plagued by real, tangible forces, but that is another matter. And what is nice to know, is that much of the key comes from within - by establishing proper communication with your inner guides, and finding peace. Meditation is a good exercise and remains beneficial throughout life. It is nothing shameful to experience the less pleasant side of life, but do keep in mind that it is a necessary but temporary state, and is
not to be taken as the ultimate truth - not for all of existence, and not for your individual life.
All in all - stay strong, and cherish the good times.