Spiritual "Woo"
You know what that means.
Yup, it's Godiva's busiest day of the year.
Yup, it's Godiva's busiest day of the year.
Yeah, I've been wanting to study more of it but devoted most of my time to mycology back in the day, and other plants. I had foresaw the damage, and thought I could just study more botany later, for recreation. I didn't mind all the memorization or other taxonomical details that it would require, since I had previous biology training. They're still a good thing to know. I don't think it's so much about any phenotypical appearances denoting the variety so that you could tell, or any microscope work for further delineation. It's never too late to start, as they say. Hey, it must be magic. Science says the human mind could know no bounds or limits.Oh wow. I'm kinda impressed Pizzabreak. I was a florist for quite awhile in highschool and early college, so I have a lot of peculiar opinions about flowers. Namely I hate roses. You managed not only to avoid them, but also include my favorite flower, the Dahlia. Bravo.