^Can you go into more detail about the true scope and range of a real Fe, and how your 'development' differed?
Are you asking me? Assuming so (I think I was the only one talking about Fe) ...
My story (you've probably heard before) was that I was a musician. Inferior grip - now I see that Fe was killing me, and for other reasons (plus just liking music) I became a classical musician. I became really good and soon had conductors and big name musicians screaming at me (music has it's own culture) to be more
expressive. "Feel the
passion" as I was playing a Brahms piece once. I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about, passion?
You see I got so far because I was the best technical player on the West Coast, but there wasn't a lot of emotion behind it, no interpretation. Anyhow so I developed it, had my "breakthrough moment" while playing Beethoven in Vienna, and also developed people skills along the way. With this I developed a sophisticated musical taste. Mahler, Chopin, Nielson, I
felt this music, it resonated within me. My emotions resonated with the music.
But I hated giving concerts (I would fold within myself and never got past that) and left. But I still had all these skills, and fancied myself as having developed Fe. This was later when I came to realize I was actually an INTP and NOT and INFJ as I had thought in my music days (inferior grip, remember?). Along with this I married an actual INFJ, and spent the next 20 years seeing what Fe really is.
Fe is a judging function. INFJ's judge like crazy. They judge themselves and others. My wife said today "Well I'm having a fucked up day!" I couldn't see what was so bad about it, but the verbal (words are a strong conduit of Fe) emotional barrage, that is making a
judgement and pronouncement is something I wouldn't do. At worst I'd say rather quietly "Well my day didn't go so well", and only in extreme cases. Her problem was over something trivial, but Fe blows it way out of emotional proportion (to my perspective).
She also discerns the emotions and states of mind of others. She's aware of my emotions WAY before I am. She's an antenna - she picks up on subtleties of emotion and intent of those around her that I'm oblivious to.
There are many other examples I can talk about if you're interested but that should give a taste. I had mistaken learned abilities to socialize and a sophisticated musical taste and interpretative abilities with Fe. But they're all a sham, oh my emotions are real, but I'm a piker to a real Fe user.
If you want a real life example of a dominant Fe use in classical music listen to Jacqueline du Pré
Look at that face - dominant feelers show it up into their eyes. Dominant thinkers do not, our faces are blank slates. No emotion shows, or rarely - another sign. And better is to listen to her. She
pours her emotions out into her music and gives it to you. My god I can't do a tenth of that even at my peak.
I'm sticking to my guns here folks, I think you're all full of shit on this point. No it's not just my perspective bullshit either. If you say a teritary can out dominate a dominant then we don't have a theory,
we have a mishmash.