my thoughts for what it's worth - and I generally agree with all the comments on this post earlier. I'm an actuary and have worked in health insurance for a while. I haven't seen any others from this industry on this thread, but a few thoughts to consider ...
- as much as we all want to jump around to find better jobs, these jobs (software, computers, actuary, ...) are always the top 5ish jobs in the country based on benefits and stress. I'm not saying that all makes it worth while, but (quoting the theme of other posts) it is important to make your life what you want it to be.
- making your life what you want it to be - if seen countless pairs of people who have, essentially, the same job - one loves it, one hates it. As long as you have a healthy outlook on what role your job plays in your life, you're fine. who cares what other people think.
- how does career fit in your life ... one of my latest thoughts was writing a novel. I read an interesting article that suggested you will succeed in writing your novel if you make it one of your big 3 things. Meaning you can pick 3 things to focus on - family, work, religion, hobby, writing, friends, thinking creatively, games... anything not on that list won't be developed. you have to prioritize.
- for what it's worth, life as an actuary is good - well respected and known as quantitative experts in the business world. health insurance is an interesting problem and it takes a long time to master. you'll make good money while you learn.
- so take a job to make money (that allows some creative control), think about things in your down time, and carve out time for those things that matter. for INTPs one of those things should be time alone thinking. Use that time for yourself and use the other time making a comfortable living for your family.
for what it's worth.