Jesus will raise all incorruptible by sin. It would be wrong not to but that's universalism.
On second thought, that’s a more big picture assumption. Fundamentalists use it as their main belief. In MBTI the cognitive functions are not of equal strength and why people think they are when first exposed to it, means they didn’t get it. Consider F or T and how most people are probably F. And then T is considered logical or smart (Ti). Te is used more as a standard for what works and what something should be, whereas Ti understands it and puts it to use through action. But, people prefer feelings instead then disregard not just logic but other people’s reasoning. So it doesn’t make sense, because one will just “do the opposite” to whatever the other presents although, it should be noted, it’s usually one seeking the other out for whatever reason. In school they teach you how to think by doing science and/or work and the value of art. Feelers such as ENFP can just look at you with their eyeballs, and then supposedly intuit if you want to say something or not. They just provoke a response whether requested or not. No one cares about the inkling they think they have. Add to that certain reasons why people refuse to react or do certain things then you got yourself a recipe for easy moral dilemma swept under the rug as second hand opportunistic discovery under the impression it’s novel material or “first come first serve” accomplishment.
In the blink of an eye, we are past the point of human history. Artificial intelligence came, now people are scrambling to taste the experience of a life always denied to them because of their own economic hardship and bad roll of the die wherein they were born into poverty and strife. It’s too late, and little wonder why aggression occurs, in hot weather nonetheless. Now guys are resorting to the same tired tactic, an alternative to the one girls do of making friends with the uglier girl so they look prettier next to them. A guy associates with others for the reputation just to use it to show and impress a chick with. Of course it doesn’t matter if something is valid because if you don’t want to accept logic just go with a feeling instead for the time being.
No one in history, besides the real, true Jesus, has been in this situation before, and there are no guidebooks and advice for it, just on the spot adaptation. To those on the outside it’s easier, because literally anything flies now. It. Does not. Make. Sense.
No one is asking to have a response provoked. It is a catch 22. Humans are “social” animals. If truly understood how retarded most people are, then you understand how certain people can not do or say anything whatsoever, because other “unintended” recipients will just “eat” it and base their whole life off it, whereas the person on the other side, still, gets nothing.
If you want to get rid of fat you can’t just take a magic pill and witness it disappear into a void in space. AI will never work in practice because no one as a standard set of principles to adhere. It also looks like some personality types don’t even belong under certain sectors. An AI wouldn’t just be a cop. Under the algorithms designed by our coders these days, a robot will just kill all or most people by judging them not worthy of staying alive. People are forever in different moods and under different time zones.