ok, ive got alot to think about since im ultra introverted and have nothing to do. I just watched shutter island a week ago. Its a great movie, but it made me think. How do i really know that my life is real? How can i be sure that my life isnt all a haullucination? what if im a severe schizophrenic and this life is my haullucination, and im actually in a mental hospital somewhere. The thought scares me. Ive always been kinda detatched, but thats just an intp trait. This life i live could just be a huge projection of my mind, and i cant say for sure if anyone else but myself is real. Really, how can you tell for sure that your life is real? The human mind can literally create anything. For schizophrenics, their haullucinations are real to them.....Just a weird thought. What do you think?