yes i did, but talking about us as conscious beings rather than specific neurological make-up.
How about this: Is there a limit to how many values there are in an asymptotic curve?
If yes; infinity is a finite value.
If no; the answer is unlimited.
no, 'tis continuous.
but it has a limit! just not along that axis. it continues interminably, yet follows a pattern. this is true of most series/processes we call infinite.
but i guess this is partly semantic quibbling. in terms of intelligence, infinite intelligence of course is unlimited (just like "an unlimited number of apples" means "an infinite number of apples"), but intelligence as a phenomenon has a definition that provides a limit as to what can be conceived as an infinite intelligence; intelligence is subjective awareness of the object and (given some loose assumption resembling first law of thermodynamics) the object is eliminated when the subject expands. thus intelligence ceases to be as it approaches infinity. the more intelligent you become (or rather: the more you let the trend of increasing subjective awareness progress), the more everything you are and the less your intelligence is something. i'm kinda hungover and after-baked right now so i won't bother to think but i'll throw this: intelligence/awareness is highly paradoxical. it seems like we need to make a conceptual distinction and assign one of the concepts to the X axis and one to the Y axis. that way we can clearly see that the progression of the trend of "psychic conquest" (let's call it that please) is different from maximization of qualitative, effective intelligence/awareness. the latter peaks in the middle of the former, under a normal distribution. alternatively, intelligence peaks in its own middle. ok now i'm not sure i said anything beyond "moderation is key"....... but whatever, i wrote words. words are cool.
(sry i do very bad thinking these days, all feeler concerns in my brain)
that's why i felt free to state that in birth and death, we possess infinite intelligence. i envision the spectrum as circular and 0 intelligence the same as infintite. on the other hand regular "dead" matter probably isn't an absolute zero either... maybe i'd best retract my initial statement.
now i'm wavering a bit between materialism and idealism.
what i can say for sure is i disagree with your claim that infinity is "just another human concept". it is finity that is the core human concept, the core human activity; defining, delineating, demarcating. reality, if it can even be spoken of, is continues and infinite - but we need categories.
In your original post, you seem to be saying that zero equals infinity; it doesn't. "I have zero apples" is not the same as "I have an infinite amount of apples". Zero equals infinity only in that you have the potential to give an infinite amount of zero apples away; however, zero isn't the bit that equals infinity in this equation, rather it's the number of transactions.
zero and infinity are not the same thing per se. but in this case that's the only way i can make sense of it. zero intelligence is analogous to the statement "nothing isn't" and infinity intelligence is analogous to "everything is".
You are applying a limit to infinity, but not in the way you have differentiated infinity from unlimited. The limit you have applied is a maximum value that will be reached according to you. How is this infinite?
i've applied a limit in accordance with my distinction: intelligence cannot go beyond a certain point no matter how long it progresses. it cannot be aware of more than all there is.
i wonder how much we actually disagree...
Otherwise you are saying that the length of an infinite piece of string is limited to the size of the universe.
Infinite intelligence does not exist.
the definition of string doesn't depend on the surrounding world like the definition of intelligence does...