Your an ESTP. I'm pretty damn sure of this now.
It was tricky to figure out, but your facial expressions lie on the Ti/Fe part. Often, a detached, sullen cheek face as you halt your movements to think, and void of emotion, and once in awhile, a very influencing smile. When expressing feeling, you seem to try to be very influential.
Others, and myself, have seen use of Se, and Ni. It's either your an NFJ, or an STP, obviously STP is a better option. Your not dominated by expressing emotion, it's clear your dominated by thinking.
As you look around at your surroundings, you seem to notice concrete tangible data, and your direction of the whole head seems to always follow the direction of the eyes. I've heard this suggested before that head following eyes suggests a P-lead. Your lead function is experiencing what is around you.
Have a look at this, and tell me if it resonates:
ESTp Even though it's Socionics (and not MBTI) it's still based of Jungian psychology. The Super-Ego block is always hard to hear, as it pinpoints a person's weaknesses and vulnerabilities.