isn't it that you think of your nicer friends as more "intuitive", because they are mentally more evolved, and you think of your less evolved friends as "sensors"?
retards -> soldiers, hells angels -> conservative christians, suppressing parents -> free rationals, corporate swines -> cultural kreatives, disoriented californicated coke noses.
more evolved people can take more perspectives into consideration, which is almost a requirement for appearing nice (if you want to).
in retarded mbti-flatland intuition has long been a synonym for unrealized mental potential (over exitability) or realized mental potential (intellectual and reflexive capacity), which is bullshit, because sensors can and do evolve through all the same stages, it just looks slightly different.
mbti-flatland tends to draw the S/N boundary right around: free rationals/corporate swines.
but only 30% of individuals of any type won't stop evolving at the first chance they get in their circumstances. evolving past your local atmosphere is not rewarded. most places in society are low altitude. those who do evolve further than to the good christian/corporate swine boundary are most likely to go into the internet, into networking with like minded.
in mbti land, this is misinterpreted as "intuitives" being a minority of society, but a majority on message boards.
also, i feel that those entp individuals, who happen to be assholes, are much worse assholes than estp individuals, who happen to be assholes of equal intelligence, because entp have to get under your skin with their unfounded speculations about what's wrong with you and their even worse ideas on how you ought to fix it - when you reject those ideas, they consider this a prove of how fundamentally wrong you are in the depths of your soul.
estp are more like: i don't get anything out of you, so i just don't talk to you. perhaps they give me a bad name or tell me to man up and do something concrete, but they don't try to fuck my character inside out.
intelligent estp have a strong pluralistic attitude of "every one should be left alone and be allowed to be themselves, like cats". they are quite sunny tempered. in entp individuals this is often overruled by "i need to provoke odd reactions in you, to find out how you function inside, so i just throw the first speculative accusation at you, that comes to my mind". intuitives want to make something invisible visible.
of course i am looking at this from a sensitive perspective. looking at it from a material perspective might yield a different impression. perhaps estp (with bad character) are more likely to 'cross' you in action. that doesn't matter on the internet.... (i have little real life experience anyway)
the difference between Ni and Si dominant people is, that Si often demands you to be responsible for your physical course and judges you, when you are not, while your own experience may be, that you have no choice at all. that can seem very judgemental. they can be hating on bums, who would rather have inner peace.
on the other hand, Ni dominant people demand you to be responsible for how you are holding your karma, while you may be unaware of having such a thing. that can sometimes be equally unfair. i judge a successful corporate swine as harshly, as a sensor judges a bum, while i consider the bum to be innocent. i am just talking about superficial prejudices, first impressions that come to mind.
adaption to hard reality plays a role for both types.
if the material world wouldn't be so tough, sensors wouldn't be so judgemental about people who appear to put in little effort to master it, through their favored methodologies. sensors fear that the physical world (infrastructure, nature, health) goes downs the drain.
if the character of how things are moved by the human condition, as recognized though intuition, wouldn't be so insane, than intuitives wouldn't be so judgemental about people who put in little effort into understanding what goes on, or improving their inner methods of reflection on process and response to it. intuitive fear that the human condition goes to hell.
people in fear panic and become assholes about it.