In psychology, anhedonia (< Greek αν- an-, without + ηδονή hēdonē, pleasure) is an inability to experience pleasure from normally pleasurable life events such as eating, exercise, social interaction or sexual activities.
Anhedonia is recognized as one of the key symptoms of the mood disorder depression - from WIKI
As someone who suffered the experience of anhedonia during a episode of Depression, I am now wondering if there is not a variety of depression and anhedonia related just to social environments?
I mean, I just do not enjoy the company of other people in the manner that so many others do. I do not seek out others in the hope of a pleasurable experience. I wonder if this is a weakness or a strength?
I wonder if this is a type of depression in itself, that is a mood disorder of some kind? re: People are not a source of good moods for me, generally speaking.
Is this anhedonia connected with the Jungian concept of introversion?