I like Cognisant's answer:
"Possibly the combination of going through physical/emotional duress and being an INTP is resulting in mind warping thought patterns and emotional instability."
You hit the nail on the head, my dear.
INTP's also don't handle well the social drama that others love I don't think. Psychological abuse, arguing.. just the common DRAMA. I really think we aren't so good at handling it as others; we need a peaceful base from which to play in our thoughts and thrive. We desperately need peace of mind and can't get it when in the wrong environment. We also desperately need rationality, and so many are ruled by their emotions, and act totally irrational, therefore so frustrating for us to deal with.
Also Sagewolf:
"Everything Cognisant says makes sense. I would add one thing, though: find an activity that you can just disappear into. Art of reading or videogames or anything-- as long as it lets you relax and reorganise your thoughts, it's a good thing."
Online roleplaying games are one thing I like.. they can really do the job to help me relax, de-stress, forget all my problems, and exercise my mind all at once. Like a cross between a good book, a game, and an art form if you do it right.
"I can't bring myself to do this, which is one of the reasons why I'm as screwed up as I am-- bottling it all up inside is not good for you. Not in the least. If there's no-one around you whom you feel comfortable talking to, and you can manage it, then a psychologist could be a good idea-- it might be easier to talk to a stranger than to someone you know and who has an opinion of you. (Not a psychiatrist. Their jobs are to drug you.)"
I personally never found it easy to talk to a stranger who is only listening to me because they're getting paid for it. That never felt genuine to me, so I was never comfortable opening up to the psychs and never trusted them. I would just lie to them and say whatever.. It was a game to me. I would rather talk to an understanding friend, but those are sometimes in short supply. Such is life!
I would say go find a stranger online at a social networking site.. something who is good at listening and talk to them... you get anonymity yet caring together in one that way. Also, writing in a journal helps.