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INTP Strengths


Space Jokes.
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Jan 12, 2010
The best jokes are the ones that make you groan from discomfort right before you break down and laugh. It's like when some famous person dies and within hours there are jokes about it floating around. I love that.

When Gary Coleman died (RIP), it couldn't have been more than an hour after I heard the news when some guy on a sports forum said, "His life was short."

I thought that was a dick move (It was), but.....I mean it was funny.

We are good at visualizing ourselves with imaginary powers to defeat those that push us beyond our limits of comfort. Like a simple energy charge/powering up display that makes our foe stand in awe/tremble with fear.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Apr 5, 2010
Lulz. Tell me why I thought the Magikarp video was absolutely epic.

INTP's... definitely Mews...

I'd say we are observant, detached, intuitive, have great ideas, and I love our humor. Then again its my brand of humor... literally. I just like that we can go from having the most serious conversation in the world to talking about whether or not Psyduck captures the essence of INTPness :).


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Just when you think you've got it right, an INTP will look at you and laugh. He/she knows you couldn't possibly have it right. The INTP will proceed to show you why and then get it wrong.


Space Jokes.
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Jan 12, 2010
Lulz. Tell me why I thought the Magikarp video was absolutely epic.

INTP's... definitely Mews...

Rest assured, you're not the only one; I laughed for about 5 mins after seeing 'Karp take down that Arcanine (I used to love those back when I played). I thought at first he had a team of them but then when he used the lemonade and, shortly after, delivered the final blow, I was hysterical.

By the way, Alakazam would be an easy take down anyway, with his lackluster defense. Run any high-attacking, decent special D guy at him at it's...Where's that GBA?!:)

Oh and we are so not Mews.
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
May 31, 2010
Above you, watching every move.
I don't know about you, but Mew seems INFPish for me. I think Psyduck is more like an INTP.

Anyway, back to the topic... I'd say one of our biggest strengths is that people can say whatever offense they want, and it pretty much bounces off. Someone says something, for example, "you're so antisocial" or anything, and we just think "...Do I care?". Except when it's someone really close, that's another thing, but it wouldn't affect us as much as it does with other types.

Also, independence. We're very self-sufficient, I think we may be the most independent type of all 16.


It Thinks For Itself
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Apr 12, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
*Naturally notice logical inconsistencies
*Can design coherent structures based on principles and theory
*Can develop interesting theories
*Great at analytical critique
*Can easily concentrate on a problem with depth
*Can instantaneously synthesize lots of new information

In general, we simply have many great tools at our disposal for any great thinker. Although, I'd like to add that some of the traits we bear can also be found in INTJs (albeit, they may use some of their traits differently and for other purposes), and ENTPs (who actually focus their mind on the external world of objects). We simply use our traits for very speculative, theoretical matters, making us obviously great for philosophical/theoretical scientific work.

And that's all I can really think of at the moment. Cheers.


Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Jul 26, 2010
Well, I originally thought that we were good at not bringing up drama, but after this thread...I don't know anymore. Ha.


Local time
Tomorrow 1:25 AM
Jul 29, 2010
Strengths I consider are:
- open minded, willingness to accept new ideas/options to improve/modify existing theories/concepts/status quo
- don't take offense when proven wrong. We're always searching for the better way or truth and don't allow our own personal feelings to get in the way
- less likely to reach the wrong conclusions
- higher levels of ability to cope with stress, manage complex situations
- strength of character
- fair
- adaptable
- fast to find flaws in theories/concepts


Warn; the child forbid, take care dangerousry!
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Jan 3, 2010
The mind...
You all have really sexy Ti and analytical skills. The way you can come to a really in depth knowledge of an idea and see all the possibilities associated with it is really incredible. Being in arguments/debates with you all is great, also kind of a huge turn on.;)


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
INTPs are great for determining the truth with minimum bias. They will go after the breadth and depth of it. Just how important that truth is and whether they let it be known remains to be seen.

I - thinks it over internally
N - thinks it over in breadth
T - thinks it over in depth
P - with minimum judging


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Jan 2, 2010
What is a strength?

As defined by the collective? by which collective? by which nation? organization? group? scholars? by INTP's?

by an individual? by whom? by the authority? the president? einstein? socrates?

or by nature? survival? (what else does nature want?)

By freewill? which will?

Nature sounds like the definite area so we'll go with that. In a capitalist setting, INTP's via their preference for systematical/profit-maximizing ideas have the greater chance of amassing wealth and owning billion-dollar companies as compared to most types.

They also have an affinity for most modern day jobs which includes computer proficiency and other applications of formal science.

The relevance of monetary profit to nature is based on the relationship of greater money = greater health security. Nature tells us that better chance of survival is strength.


lust for life
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
I'll let you know when I find them.


The little professor
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
May 3, 2011
ProxyAmenRa said:
IThe intp's greatest strength is the ability to procrastinate. I realised this yesterday when it took me 6 hours to start an assignment which took 1 hour to complete.
ProxyAmenRa said:
I read a book on market economics in the six hours. It was an interesting read.
I think ProxyAmenRa hit upon 2 very important qualities of the INTP. They say they procrastinate a lot, and do very little. But when they are procrastinating, they are actually being incredibly productive. INTPs take it for granted. But it's a type of productivity that others would kill for.

digital angel

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Mar 16, 2011
Tax World/In my Mind
*Naturally notice logical inconsistencies
*Can design coherent structures based on principles and theory
*Can develop interesting theories
*Great at analytical critique
*Can easily concentrate on a problem with depth
*Can instantaneously synthesize lots of new information

In general, we simply have many great tools at our disposal for any great thinker. Although, I'd like to add that some of the traits we bear can also be found in INTJs (albeit, they may use some of their traits differently and for other purposes), and ENTPs (who actually focus their mind on the external world of objects). We simply use our traits for very speculative, theoretical matters, making us obviously great for philosophical/theoretical scientific work.

And that's all I can really think of at the moment. Cheers.

Agreed. I'll add that we're open minded.


observing y'all from my UFO. inevitably coming dow
Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Nov 4, 2010
I think ProxyAmenRa hit upon 2 very important qualities of the INTP. They say they procrastinate a lot, and do very little. But when they are procrastinating, they are actually being incredibly productive. INTPs take it for granted. But it's a type of productivity that others would kill for.

we are being most productive when AVOIDING mundane stuff (so yes we are productive while procrastinating mundane tasks)

the pain of mundane tasks makes you look for other possibilities, something like "to execute this task is so incredibly wrong and a giant waste of time, it just HAS to be different" > this is when the solution to it comes

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 1:25 AM
Dec 12, 2010
Every type has strengths, of course.

INTPs, basically, are system thinkers - their strength is that they fucking love knowledge, and learning all they can about a particular system so that they know in a precise way how one part relates to another. Formal science = INTP domain.

Like, I personally think that Ni is much better at understanding the deeper, more fluid concepts that can't properly be articulated, but when it comes to putting that understanding into something which can actually be precisely expressed, no one beats INTP.

Generally, Ni ideas can only really be understood by other Ni's, but Ti ideas are put out in such a way that anyone can potentially understand them, and that means that you are essentially the knowledge builders of society (so are, e.g., ISTJs, but in a different way - they classify, rather than systemise).

Abstract but precise system building = INTPs fucking own

+ about the point mentioned about how INTPs are apparently massive procrastinators, but are actually really productive, I totally agree. I was in awe when coming here about how much stuff INTPs know about a whole range of subjects, how much they read etc.

I think you're actually way more organised than IJs are, you just happen not to direct your organisation to externally shared tasks.


randomly floating abyss built of bricks
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Dec 19, 2010

the psyduck one is the most accurate, at least based on my personal experiences as of most recently.

okay, here's my INTPokemon in progress:

Psychic/Dark type

Ability: Thick skin

Some possible moves:
High Kick

Getting caught up in real-life battles with sociopath/narcissists of ExxJ and Poison type shouldn't be too hard to defeat, but they can use Toxic and poison you with lasting hatred if you don't foresee it or defeat them before they can use it. Hopefully i can still keep leveling up, if i learn Focus Energy or something

fyi INTJ would probably be the most powerful psychic type, but would have a different ability other than thick skin

one weakness of an INTP is a lack of more advanced focus, and when alone can tend to "hurt itself in its confusion!"


The Smartest Dumb Person Ever
Local time
Today 7:25 AM
May 10, 2011
America, Utah
Anyone ever notice that if you turn the personality results of an intp from the mypersonalityinfo.com signature clockwise 90 degrees it looks like someone is giving you the bird with their right hand? I tell you what that is... Ironic and the amazing observational skills of an intp, lol.


purveyer of pondering
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
May 12, 2011
Just south of nowhere
Anyone ever notice that if you turn the personality results of an intp from the mypersonalityinfo.com signature clockwise 90 degrees it looks like someone is giving you the bird with their right hand? I tell you what that is... Ironic and the amazing observational skills of an intp, lol.

An astute observation indeed... now I'm going to think of that every time I look at mine :confused:

Blue Dream

Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Apr 12, 2011
So would ISFP... or ENTJ/ESFJ if turned counterclockwise.
The shape of any hand-like form would also depend to a degree on the percentages in each category.

Edit: It's also probably worth mentioning that it wouldn't always look like a right hand flipping you off, but in the case of ISFP and ESFJ, a left hand. At least I think those two would be a left hand.. I'm too tired right now to be 100% confident about much of anything. If I'm wrong please correct me so at least I'll know it.

Damn my inability to explain do (almost) anything in a curt fashion :\


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Jun 19, 2012
in my head
How is procrastinating beneficial?

Not so much procrastination being beneficial, so much as, what I think he was trying to say is, being able to get a good quality product out of the short amount of time left.

Anna Moss

Active Member
Local time
Today 5:25 AM
Jun 27, 2012
  • We are the best at designing systems; we are the best at pointing out flaws in systems.
  • We are the best at coming up with ideas, and because of this we work at the bleeding edge of science. We discover theories that less-idea-oriented types can make use of. Basically, we pull the branches down to their level so that they can pluck fruit.
  • We are honest, fair, and probably the least biased of all types.
  • We are argumentative free thinkers who provide a second opinion to prevent our stupid leaders from getting everyone killed. We are humanity's built-in defense against the Asch conformity experiment. We prevent people from hurling themselves off the cliff like lemmings.
  • By traditional aptitude-test based definitions of intelligence, we are more likely than not the most intelligent type.
  • We are exceptional at keeping complex systems running during continually changing conditions, i.e. the economy of a country at war. Our Perceiving adaptability allows us to outperform NTJs, who cannot deal with continuous disruptions to their plans.
  • There is no type better at absorbing and integrating knowledge.
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