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INTP shit you did as a child


Local time
Tomorrow 4:14 AM
Apr 22, 2015
I had thing strange realisation one day at a 5 year old that everything ends.
I used to day dream in class.
I loved History, Languages and Current Affairs(subject in India named 'General Knowledge') even as a kid.
I used to lock myself in and play nintendo all day.
I loved building house of cards and digging caves in sand.
I had this weird thought that life is a dream or a movie. Even today I can go back to the time I was quite young and replay a memory.

I am not sure if/how many of these are INTP behaviours but I certainly felt out of place.


Local time
Today 12:14 PM
May 9, 2015
I don't know if this is INTP behavior, but there was this rocky outcrop covered in dirt that all the local boys would use as a place to play with toy cars. Long story short, I became the absolute and unchallenged leader of this town we christened "Dirt town". I basically organized a bunch of children into a functioning society, with a constitution, legal system, businesses, a military, and government agencies. I ruled with total power for about 4 years.

I also read a lot and was really into history and science.
In middle school I read Marx and became a communist firebrand who debated politics and current events at the lunch tables at school.
In High School I was kind of a creeper and generally obnoxious.

Ostap Bender

Local time
Today 12:14 PM
May 11, 2015
As someone who lived -0-12.7 in Odessa, Ukraine (Soviet Union, USSR) here is some strange shift I did during my childhood:

1) Apparently ~3 years old during my INTP exploration I decided to stick nail or something into wall plug and get shocked (I do not remember it from others telling to me)

2) ~4 years I remember going to my friends house and I was too short to reach his door bell for his house. I couldnt reach the door bell and I climbed higher to reach higher section of the baricade and I tried to ring the door bell. Unfortunately in the 80's Soviet code standards were very poor and apparently I got shocked 2nd time. I do remember being spinned and from what my mom told me a Soviet drunk (10x+ any American drunk type) was walking by and he saw me getting electuted and he saved me and he picked me up from the fence (my interpation as being spun) and my family paid him off with vodka.

3) Closer to 8-11 years (sorry as INTP I dont pay attention to small details) I was near our next Soviet pre-development that I moved @ 5 to be new entry @ kindergartern & I also started first grade in first year of establishment of my Soviet school in 1M city in Ukraine. One day I was walking near our houses and walked into some kind of mud pit and nearly drowned. I was waist down until concerned nearby saved me from drowning next to 2-3 of my friends

As I grew older and after immigration to US I tried not to do stupid stuff but I still did during my early years. As I grew older I tried to distance myself from any kind of "litigation" and obscure myself. As my tastes are I like to keep underground.


Local time
Today 6:14 PM
Jun 23, 2015
Instead of "Mum" being the first thing I said, it was a grammatical correct sentence.
I corrected my parents, very often.
I didn't want to play with other children in kindergarten and I didn't have much toys, books instead.
I started reading when I was four.
I hid in the school toilet during the brakes.
In high school, I was very lazy, didn't get anything, but still wrote pretty good grades.

Oh, and when I was 8, I built an emotional relationship with a branch, until some idiots broke it.

I'm still mourning.


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Oh, and when I was 8, I built an emotional relationship with a branch, until some idiots broke it. I'm still mourning.

Some stuff really isn't type related.

My ESFP kid fell in love with a piece of string one day. She was four. She spent all day with her friends running around the yard with this damned piece of string, going on the swing, sliding down the slide. All of it with the string. At the end of the day, she zonked, so we put her in the car and brought her home... sans string because she had dropped it somewhere.

When we were giving her a bath, she started bawling because her friend "the piece of string" was gone, and was totally inconsolable for the rest of the night.

it was a mortal tragedy.


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:14 PM
Jun 19, 2015
Teachers always told my parents that I didn't seem like I was engaged in class or knew what was going on, but any question they asked I could answer, and I had no problem with tests. Meh.

When I was 12 I spent hours on MSN chat using IRC clients with scripts to take over certain chat rooms. Pretty much had chat room wars. Til MSN mods came in and would permaban you lol.


Local time
Today 5:14 PM
Jan 20, 2015
- I used to make potions by mixing products and hoping for some magic to happen. Once, one of my tooth dissolved in a mix of detergents. I didn't knew it could happen. I was very disapointed because it dissapeared while I was sleeping so I couldn't see it, and I never got money for it either :(

- I decided to create cheap perfumes with flowers and water and ran a business at school with some friends. I could make 10$ a week, that's pretty high for a 7-8 years old kid xD
After some weeks the principal said in the school's speakers that '' selling perfume at school wasn't permitted and everyone involved in this would be punished if caught. '' We lost all our clients. :/

- Grew a bunch of earth worms in a jar of dirt, feeding them pieces of potatoes. My ultimate goal was to see more worms than dirt, but I passed to something else before it happened. I admit I still think it could've been cool to see...

- My mom wanted my brother and I to do a research on anything we wanted to and make a powerpoint about it as an educative project. I chose the making of concrete.

- I randomly became obssessed about Ancient Egypt for a good year.

- I was interested about death. At 8 years old I described to my mom how egyptians momified their people with all the tools and everything.

There's probably a lot more, but I don't want to make my post too long...

Lapis Lazuli

Local time
Today 5:14 PM
Jun 12, 2015
Somewhere in time, relative to you.
I’m an only child and I couldn’t stand to be around other people because I “absorbed” their moods like a sponge absorbs water. Most people are downers. It was torture, but it also put me behind the curve, socially.


Local time
Today 6:14 PM
Jun 23, 2015
Teachers always told my parents that I didn't seem like I was engaged in class or knew what was going on, but any question they asked I could answer, and I had no problem with tests. Meh.

Same here

ENTP lurker

Usually useless
Local time
Today 5:14 PM
Nov 20, 2013
Pluto, solar system
Kicked out of daycare because I was apparently deconstructing freshly fed Jesus related stuff under the table (I also asked lots of weird questions) and didn't take part in others play. :evil: This is something that Te people like to call autism. In other words that is certainly blasphemous as a whole and truly warrants for psychiatric interventions: questioning and not taking part in others play. I also made fun of religious songs by twisting them. :angel: Strangely as a whole I was very kind and well behaving kid.

So yeah, that was the daycare part. Should I continue? :D


Local time
Today 5:14 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I really wish I could remember more of my childhood - but I can't.
All I do know is that I was one of the brightest, in top class from beginning to end.Was top of the class in college until I dropped out..My college was a farce and didn't cater to specific IQ's - I was working along side a bunch of dumbasses at a remarkably slow pace.

My mom has always been a drunk who always liked to brag about my intelligence, and success - but oblivious to the fact that it's no thanks to her - I spent more time picking her up out of a gutter. I was desperate to prove myself in school, because it was the only recognition I got.

In primary school, a teacher tried to embarrass me the once in assembly, because I was chatting to the kid next to me. Asked me to come to the front of the stage and repeat what had been said 5 minutes prior when I 'wasn't paying attention' ... Her stunt backfired because I was paying attention, I was multitasking even if it didn't look like it. I must have about 9 or something. Apart from grades, I was a bully and had serious anger issue's.

After primary school, I passed the 11+ to get into one of more 'desirable' schools. I rebelled against the world and told them I was going to the regular local school with my friends lol.

When I got to regular secondary school, I was assessed and entered into top class with my INTJ primary school friend. Class was full of geeks, nerds, prudes and people who had obviously lived very sheltered lives. I stayed in that group till the end of school, I reasonably enjoyed it, we had access to work designed for older college students.

On break time's however, I could be found hanging out with the local trouble makers. We smoked weed and drank vodka on breaks. We truanted most of our last year.

Haha, I pissed off many of the people in my class because they were dumb founded over how I could be so rebellious, delinquent, and still match/surpass them in class. The only one I couldn't surpass was my INTJ friend who I have now known for 19 years.

All my teachers were proud of my work, but concerned with my behaviour.
They didn't have to look far as to why when I dragged my drunken mother to teacher parent day and shrunk in my seat as they discussed my future.

Since the age of 18 I've really let myself go. Don't see any point in trying to prove myself. I only ever wanted to make my mother to proud, and she's too far gone at the bottom of a bottle to truly recognise any of my achievements. It's made me apathetic. And now I'm unsure if I want to complete my education or not... I spend more time talking bollox on forums like these than finishing my Uni work. Someone should slap me.


Local time
Today 5:14 PM
Jul 1, 2015
I was fairly average actually. I was shy but I tend to be a chameleon so it wasn't always noticed. I also had a habit of acting more stupid/weird than I am so that if people hated me at least I knew why (I figured being disliked was inevitable.)
I learned to speak very early (could talk long before I could walk) thanks to having a dad who spoke to me like he would any one else. Due to this, I generally viewed adults as my equals and didn't get along well with kids my age (this has continued, my husband and friends are all at least 8 years older than me).
I was wel behaved in school but unmotivated. Always aced tests but never did homework so my GPA was abysmal. Got the "squandered potential" talk often.
I did act out in middle school, stealing, lying, vandalism. Never drugs or alcohol (due to disinterest), but got over that eventually.
I think the biggest thing was how imaginative I was. I would think up and act out these really elaborate fantasy stories in my yard from a young age. I wish I remembered some of them because it was fun and cool.


Local time
Tomorrow 3:44 AM
Oct 18, 2015
I didn't hate people as per say, but as early as 5, I tried to invent some sort of unified theory as to why people behave the way they do. Why do we have to say hello, and jumping around means you're happy, or what's the function of inviting people to birthday parties. Why do parties even exist to gather people? Why do kids and adults do that? Though not sure if this is ENTP or INTP quality.

I was a social retard, but I had to fabricate it somehow. I was never the cute kid, my sister grabbed all the attention and I conveniently sat in her shadows. I would rather observe. I excelled in everything in Kindergarten except for Chinese to which I consistently cheated.

Throughout primary school I lived in my own world and tried to seem that I did the homework I didn't do. Got away most of the time. Failed most of my studies. Slept late, slept in school. Until major exams came on the 6th year, so I crammed 6 years of education and succeeded. Top class following years.

My family complains that I'm always quiet. But when I try to talk to them about things that interests me, they either zone out or complain that I'm picking a fight with them. So I thought it's just safer to keep quiet.


Local time
Today 9:14 AM
Nov 13, 2014
One of my earliest memories is of the first (and last) day of a kindergarten I went to. The teacher was telling the class something or other while they were all sat down, and I refused to sit down because I wanted to follow a trail of sand on the floor thinking it would lead me to a mystery.

I liked elementary school but I don't think I ever understood why I was there. I got that you go to elementary school to go to middle school to go to high school, but the point of school as being for other people to evaluate your skill levels and not as just a place to serve your intellectual, emotional and social needs went over my head. Most kids don't NEED to know this, but in my case it had a lot of ramifications. I always tried to show as little work as possible, because I hated the idea that I had to prove that I knew something. I hated homework because why should I have to do schoolwork outside of school?

I was constantly trying to question, challenge, and find flaws with what my teachers would tell us. They taught a method of how to solve a math equation and I would immediately try to find another way to get the same answer and proceed to use that method instead (even if it was ridiculously tedious and inefficient). I failed elementary school math even though it's my strongest academic subject because I didn't turn in homework. Only once I got to middle school did my Fe develop enough to where grades and the like started to have real significance.


Local time
Today 9:14 AM
Nov 19, 2015
Preface: im new to this and do not know if any/all of these count towards me being INTP

1. I refused to get on the dial-a-ride even go as far as resisting fellow students from forcing me on because I wanted to walk home. After the bus left i quickly realized i didnt know how to get home (we lived across the road)

2-When i was really young I was helping my mother bake cookies and she told me to use my head, I put my head in the bowl.

3-I played with a incredible hulk toy, but he was to me a intelligent crime solver who was persuiing the loose change carrying yeti that committed crimes.

4-I laughed in class when other kids told me Princess Diana had died. I thought they were talking about a disney character.


Local time
Today 6:14 PM
Nov 18, 2015
When I was a kid, I would cut forms with cisors in the clothes I didn't like at school because my mother was forcing me to wear them.


Local time
Today 10:14 AM
Jun 4, 2015
So I was not some kind of super performer as some of my comrades clearly were. As soon as kindergarten started I felt alienated from others, and low-confidence/performance followed.

But that stuff's no fun.

So here are a few funny stories/quirks of my childhood that I believe may have stemmed from my developing INTPness.

- I've been told I used to follow other women around grocery stores as a child, and was horrified when some time had passed and I realized they were not my mother. Coincidentally I was leashed later on. The leashing probably also had to do with my theme of diving out of grocery carts, even if I was tied in (bit of a Houdini apparently), getting on stage with Sharon, Lois, and Bram at a show, climbing onto the piano continuously, etc.

-In Elementary school we would have a "color" day wherein everyone would wear the same color of clothing. I refused, and in rebellion would wear any color but the assigned one, of course, as it would be the only way one could rebel on color day. My options were limited.

- The first time I found a dead squirrel on the street I brought it to my mother at home, upset, and said I needed to know how the squirrel had died and why. She proceeded to scream and knock the thing out of my hands, then wash them for several minutes afterwards.

- In the fifth grade we had to create a pop-up story book. I wrote a story about a butcher who has a wife with leprosy. The wife soon dies when the butcher can't afford medication or some such, and then the husband dies of sheer sadness. Not sure where the incredibly dark theme arose from here, like holy shit, but incidentally I ended up using the word "butler" instead of "butcher" for the whole story and it still fucking haunts me that I butchered it so badly. Yes. I just did. And yes I hate myself for it.

- In the sixth grade we had to do a presentation on a Greek mythological character. I was assigned Hercules. We were told we could do the story in any format we pleased, so I decided to do a puppet show. I spent hours making the characters out of stiff paper and gluing them to Popsicle sticks, practicing the whole thing over and over and was more ready than I had probably ever been for a school project. I went first (I was so jazzed) and within the first 10 seconds of performing everyone was bursting out laughing, including the teachers. They laughed for the entire show, and they laughed hard. To this day I wish somebody had a video copy of the thing because I only meant for it to be informative, and I have no idea what it looked like from the viewers perspective. I got an A+ on the project, the teacher was practically wiping tears from her eyes when she gave me the paper with the mark after. Totally have no idea why. Really wish I could do that on command. Fuck.

- This seems to be somewhat of a theme but I stole some stinkbombs from my dads old collection of things, and decided it was necessary to bring them with me at all times in case of kidnapping or other such dangerous situations that could call for the defense of a stinkbomb. Let it off by accident in my violin class and the whole studio had to be emptied, maintenance men were called who ended up searching all of the vents. Shit was potent.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 11:14 AM
Jan 24, 2013
I must be missing something. Why is child shit any different than grown up shit? I mean it all basically goes in the same place... what's the big deal?


Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Nov 29, 2015
Focusing on a word or phrase, deleting repeated letters, and forming as many anagrams as possible.
Local time
Today 5:14 PM
Dec 11, 2015
I would build crazy elaborate spaceships or aircraft out of legos and go outside and pretend to be an explorer in a land of giants.

I would draw crazy battlefields on a piece of paper and then draw in how the battle would take place.

I was obsessed with animals in general, especially reptiles and amphibians. I would constantly catch and keep any animal I could to have as a pet. At one time I caught about 15 turtles and put them in a baby pool.

My 5th grade teacher said I was the most eccentric, absent minded person she had ever met.

In the 6th grade, I was obsessed with aliens and UFOs to the point where I designed a UFO including its propulsion system (from my very rudimentary understanding of how all that work) and I sent them to NASA. They did write me back and sent me a bunch of cool NASA stuff.

Reading every encyclopedia I could get my hands on.


Local time
Today 12:14 PM
Dec 8, 2015
I don't think I did as much as some other people here, but there were definitely a few things:

- As a toddler, I refused to crawl and spent most of my time sitting around and looking at whatever books I could, and as I got older I taught myself how to read a little bit earlier than other people at my school.

-I remember frequently refusing to read (or listen to my parents read) a bunch of books that I would later end up loving, mostly because I didn't like them suggesting things to me.

-Sometime in elementary school over the summer while all the other kids in my summer camp played kickball I spent extended periods of time singing about friday the 13th and the concept of superstition while on a swingset. By the next summer it had evolved into heckling other kids from a swingset by yelling words that definitely sounded like insults if you (as a 3rd grader) didn't know what they meant, namely "turpentine." I think this is where the "eccentric" aspect of my personality really started to shine.

-In 4th grade (I think I was 9) my few friends and I started a club for the smarter, more forward-thinking members of our class to try and make everyone's lives better at school (we had goals, but I forget what they were at this point) as well as to have a reason to separate ourselves from some of the dipshits in our class. We went out at recess one day and attempted to gather a larger following from the rest of the grade, but they wouldn't stop talking while we were making our points and we couldn't get many people to understand what we were doing.

-In middle school I set up multiple fake email accounts that I used to stop my civics teacher from taking away some point system we had going on between classes. I never mentioned any names, but the name of the email was the middle name of a classmate who I didn't like at all and assumed that any anger or trouble from the message would get directed onto her while I could quietly sit in the back and make fun of the teacher, who would have definitely lost control of the class if he hadn't gotten most of the girls in the grade to worship him and praise his every word.
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