What the heck is Pe (I know you mean extraverted percieving)? I've never heard of that before.
Shorthand for Ne or Se, when both are being referred to. I see it on other forums regularly. Sometimes the specifics of S/N don't really matter, when you're just talking about the broad process (such as direction of energy flow, looking within or without for information sources, etc.)
Alternately, what Magnum PI's extroverted cousin uses...
BigApplePi This blue is very hard to read for people living in the dark castle.
What? But, by theory, it should work just fine! Alas.
Not sure why you keyed off MY post for this, as if it needed a rebuttal. Also, your posting inside my quote block using alternate colors means I can't Quote you except by pasting and reformatting the entire post... it might be great for you, but bad for anyone who would care to respond.
What are some bad habits INTPs fall prey to?
Behaving like INTP's just about all of the time. Tsk! Tsk!
That's not an excuse for refusing to broaden one's thought. INTPs should be even better at seeing alternate pathways than the mainstrea, actually. So there's no excuse at all.
Really? You mean they delay their thinking? Must be something else.
Yes, it IS something else -- I mean "When it comes time to act, logically, but we still sit on our asses and don't do anything because we happen to not like expending energy or can't still make up our minds and so we miss our window of opportunity."
Dismissing ideas when actually we have misunderstood the goal.
If you mean someone's idea was really for something else, yes.
I didn't mean that, so no.
Not doing something important when we feel pressure from others.
Pressure is an enormous distraction coming from the outside.
Yes, having someone bang on the outside of the sensory deprivation tank really sucks, doesn't it?
Withdrawing in times of stress/conflict; being reactive, not proactive.
Proactive means dealing with the outside. The outside is wide open which is incompatible with stress.
Good. Then you shouldn't hate it as much as you seem to.
Getting so absorbed in theoretical reality that we neglect practical reality.
Theory is more beautiful than reality.
Ah, to be Spock's brain in a box and have someone else bathe me, feed me, look after me, earn money for me to live, and otherwise protect me from the realities of exchange with the external world, so that I can float in my mother's womb and think happy thoughts about the nature of the universe. That would be the life.
Treating relationships like processes or machine-like rather than organic.
A machine can be predicted. If relationships aren't rational they must be simplified so they are.
So what did you learn about the cat after you cut it into tiny pieces?
Head knowledge without heart knowledge or experience.
Experience of the heart is a requirement. Without that one uses what one has.
You know, this whole "rational" response from you reads far more like some scree against against an external reality you seem to resent having intruded on your inner space, and my post just the vehicle you swiped in order to rail against it. How ironic.
Knowing only what we think, without knowing what we want.
It's open season on what is wanted. Try thinking your way through that.
Wanting things is not an option, it's a reality. As long as you refuse to explore what you might want, even if it's confusing, you will be subject to unconscious forces that will taint rationality.
That is correct. It means INTP's are the best if things are to be gotten right.
Balanced INTPs, possibly. But not INTPs who have not developed some balance in their function use: "Garbage in, garbage out," as they say...